Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Enough already!!!! I am soooooo over this!!! When will the madness end??? When will I be normal again? When will I wake up and feel refreshed instead of headacheeee? When will my throat not scratch??? When will I have energy to walk to the washer and put a load of clothes in without feeling like I walked 20 miles??? When will I be NORMAL???? It has been over a week??? I know I pushed myself...went to work everyday when I should have been resting. I know I should have slept more and drank more water. I know these things but I did not. Ohhh well....time to move on body! Time to get over it and get well!! Come on...I have things to do, a life to live and you being sick and tired is not helping me!!!! I NEED TO GET WELL!!!! I want to scream and yell (but it would make me exhausted and I have work tonight....uuuggghhhh!!!). And the worst part is...two of my agents are sick at work (this will be the 3rd round in my group...) and my baby girl came home from school feeling yucky!! AAAAUUUGGHHHHHH!!! When will this madness stop????????? WHEN??????

Monday, February 25, 2008

another week...and i am still not feeling well. i am soooooo tired of this! It has been a week and I so want this over! *sighy* I cannot wait to feel "normal" and have some real energy!! Having only 1 day off this week does not help. *sighy* Anyway...time will help and more sleep (yes, more sleep!!).

Monday, February 18, 2008

1oo1 things

learn to knit
learn to say i love you in 5 languages
finish Gigi's room
have a halloween party
make smores outside
go to karoke and sing
streak through a football field
take dance classes
become a better daughter (!!!!!)
fly a kite
build a snow man (include the hat, carrot nose and scarf...)
go out to eat and a movie all by myself (ohhhh....scary!!)
learn to cook "southern food"
finish 3 sets of tea towles (you started them years ago!!)
write letters to everyone i love and have them ready (just in case I get run over by a John Deer tractor!)
get a tatoo
find 3 new "yummy" restaurants
have the family try out for "Family Amazing Race"
try 1 recipe a month from a "cook book"
visit another country
visit all 50 states
work for a politial campaign
make a list of 100 things that make me happy (scrap them!)
start a random list of reasons i love for reggie (scrap at least 101 reason)
plant a flower garden
have a family reunion
make 5 crochet "items" and give at least 3 of them away!
go back to school
visit New York and shop!
get my VISA (to travel)
bake!! (decorating cakes and cupcakes falls into this!)
take a picture of 10 people i love and journal about each one
get healthy
do a Mother/Daughter weekend with the girls
dance in the aisles at a store (have not done this in a looooong time).
dance in the rain (naked....hmmmmmmm)
organize my pictures
create a "bucket list" and see the movie!
start to research my families history and Reggies
start playing the "stocks" (which means getting educated on the stock market)
start my very own savings
can some foods (pickles, chile's)
start a portrait porfolio
do not go to bed angry
make a time capsule
start a "random thoughts" album (childhood, early marraige, teeneager, family...)
plan 4-6 "events" and follow through with them
to purge my house of "unwanted and unused" stuff!!!
become active in the "internet" world
take a hot air balloon ride
watch all the movies Elvis starred in
purchase a laptop of my very own
redo living room (including furniture)
new bedroom!!!
read 100 books and keep a list
exercise regularly for 6 mnths
more acts of kindness (1 per month???)
communicate more (letters, emails, visits, phone)
take a photography class
purchase my "wide" lense

ok...i know i do NOT want to do this but i have some errands i need to run and i know this is my one day off so...yucko!!!! I am sick and i think i should rest...but life calls!!! i mean do bills care if you are coughing up phlegm and have a dry scratchy throat? Does it matter if i feel so worn out and gross when it comes to buying groceries and doing laundry? NO!!! Life goes on.... and yes, errands must be done...and in some cases today!!! yucko!!! i guess i am trying to "type" myself into bypassing my bed (or the couch) and heading towards the car... i wonder if this will work?? Think about it...if I get the things on my list done I can come home and feel good about myself as well as accomplish things...but i will be exhausted and maybe i will set myself back??? hmmmm??? Maybe I need to go to bed, read until i fall asleep and then take a nap....sounds good. So good!!! But...yucko!!! What to do??? And...i just thought about it...it is a holiday...so...kids are home which means they are out with their parents...which means more people are out and it will be busy and i don't want to deal with busy....hmmmmm...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yucko!!!! what a way to end my work week and start my weekend!! Sick!!! Yucko!! My throat hurts, my head aches and I feel so tired!! It is horrible!! I should have know I was going to get sick when I went to work one night and half my team was ill!!! After I came home from work I "vegged" for a minute and then called my Mom (something weird about wanting to talk to Mom when you are sick...) and then i went out!! I slept all day and had some weird dreams!!! (ok...i digress) I was able to drag myself in the tub for a warm bath and now I have a little energy (it will leave me within the next 30 minutes). I have to laugh because right now I am taking so much over the counter stuff; my house is starting to look like a pharmacy!! Nothing like good drugs!!! teeehehehehe! I am soooo hoping I feel better tomorrow! I hate being sick (who doesn't???). I will say this...when I feel good there are times when I will stop and enjoy being healthy! It helps me to appreciate being able to feel good and alive!!! *sighy* I think I am going to go and watch a movie and snuggle under a warm blanket and rest...

Monday, February 11, 2008

today was day of multiple errands (and you know how much I HATE errands...yucko!!!). I started early and ended late. I had to do some Valentine's shopping (so many gifts to buy!!), do some grocery shopping, go to the scrapbook store (I found 2 cute mini books...too cute!!!), excersise, mail a Valentine to my secret sister, take Boo to get her hair cut (aaarrrggghhhh) and take my family out to eat! Talk about busy!! I then finished up my mom and grandmothers Valentine's gifts (and one for me...teeehehehehe). AND to top off the day I had some of my QVC packages waiting for me (Wahoo!!!). There was some real fun and cute stuff and I cannot wait to start in on them.
this week plans to be a real busy week! I have to drop off Valentine gifts, make goody bags for my team and celebrate Valentine's Day with my family. Good Times!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I did it!!! I did it!! I went to have my hair cut and AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!! I went in and asked for it to be shoulder length and AAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! She cute it chin length!!!!!! I am sooooooo upset. My family likes it (but you know family...they love you and well...they love you!!). *sighy* I am about change and I am wanting change and I am trying to be proactive but WOW!!! Change is not suppose to be bad is it???? I am worried it will not grow back as fast as I want, but I guess the one good thing about this is it will grow back!!! *sighy* The funny thing about this is tonight I spent time going through magazines and when I was shopping I was looking at hair! and guess what???!!!??? Everyone has long hair!!! Everyone except me!!!! (tears!!) Well...I will give myself permission to be depressed for a few days and then I will get on with life...

Regrets.....hmmmmmmm ask me in a few weeks!!! teeeehehehe

As for today...I went shopping (both online and at my local store!). I had lots of fun and QVC had a great TSV and lots of fun new stuff!!! I know I splurged but I kept it to a minimum and I will not be purchasing anything else until May from QVC, by then I will have paid off my purchases from today (see I am thinking before I spend...change...teeehehehehe).

Saturday, February 2, 2008

well...i am pretty ok with my status so far this week on my plans to "change" my weight. I have been able to stay within 2 cokes a day (wahoo!!!!!) and limited my sweets (notice i did not say eliminate! teeehehehe). I have also excersiced 3 times this week (my starter goal!). G00d times!!