Wednesday, January 31, 2007
5 best attributes, in my opinion.
List your 5 best attributes, in your opinion.
1/ I am very honest and upfront about my feelings.
2/ I adore my family.
3/ I am a very passionate person and embrace that passion in life.
4/ I value honesty and respect.
5/ I have a wonderful laugh!!!!
Today was my 7nth anniversary with COMCAST. I have to chuckle because when I first walked through their doors they had another name and I had no idea I would be there 7 years later. It has been a wonderful experience and I love my job and what I do on a daily basis! I am so blessed to be able to say that! My husband sent me some beautiful flowers and balloons. They are on my desk and I make sure to stop and smell the flowers everytime I pass them.
I am sooooo thrilled one of my bestest people went to New York this week. We had spoken before she left about purses (we both love them!). She know my taste (the bigger the better!!!) and she agreed to keep her eye out for a great buy. WELL!!!! you will not believe what she came back with!!! Ohhh... I love her!!!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
some layouts...
What inspires you lately?
Lately I have been inspired by...
* books (those self help books are a blast!!)
*magazines (who does not want to do some of those incredible pages!)
* challenges on 2Peas ( them!!!)
* events (i love special occassions and preparing for them is fun!!!)
* quotes (love inspiring quotes that make you want to move mountains!)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
a tattoo? what and where???
If I were to get a tattoo I would put it on my ankle. I also know what it would would be a rosary. I know that sounds weird but i have seen one and I love it. It would take care of wearing an anklet (which I love to wear in the summer). If I were to get one I know I would want to get a 2nd one (the place I would want it is to private to say...hehehe). I mean why only have one? I think I would have a saying in French or Latin written there (again...I would not let anyone but my hunny bunny know the exact saying...hehehe).
I have often thought of getting a tattoo, however I am way to eclectic and I love change. That combination would have me adding and removing tattoo's at a dangerous pace. I opt to stick to the "fake" tattoo's (I love them because I can have Scooby one day and a rose the next day!). Love it!
My daughter had been mentioning a tattoo....*sigh*. All I can tell her is remember it is permanent! To date...I can honestly say I am glad I have not opted for a tattoo...but you never know...when I turn 50 I might change my mind!!!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
i love learning!!
i am excited to take the things i am learning this week and use them on my team and in my daily work interactions. i was so motivated that i stopped at Barnes on the way home to look at their books! i bought a few and can't wait to get started on reading them! there are a few things i will be working on right away and i will be spending some time this weekend "polishing" them up. i have even started thinking about something that i might want to present to my manager to help moral!
wow!! it's amazing what a little time away from work can do for someone (especially if they are with peers who are as excited and motivated as yourself!). I am really going to focus on keeping this attitude going forward!!! =0)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
good times!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday into Monday (Colts, Cricut and a Crash!)
I was able to use my Cricut for the first time today!!! Wow!! Am I in love!! It is wonderful (I did have a freaky moment in the beginning when I tried to cut and there was not blade in the system! *sigh*). My husband was very impressed the the machine and now insists I am "high tech".
Today was one of those catch up days. Alot of running around and doing but boring! We went to get my daughters books (over $300.00 and we still need one more book!!!), getting b&w ink for the printer, shopping, getting nails (mine) and eyebrows (me daughters) done, know that stuff that you do when you have a spare moment.
I guess there was drama when i went to bed last night. The shelves in my scrapbook area came down and there was a loud crash! Well...i had taken my hot hot hot bubble bath and had gone down for the night so I did not hear a thing! The girls and Reggie were laughing because they say I will wake up if one of them says something to loud or Reggie comes in late from work but I failed to budge when a loud crash occurred! I promise...I did not hear a thing! Kind of scary...or maybe a compliment to Reggie...I felt so secure with him home that I was able to sleep like a baby (hehehe). I don't think that will fly!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
a picture a day
i drank more water today (had to pee alot!!!) and only had pop with my dinner (good job!). i also turned down fried ice cream at dinner! wow! AND!!!! i walked with Leslie for 1 mile (yahoo!!!). I am sooooo hoping to keep this up!!!
i was also able to spend some time in my scrapbook area and worked on some pages!! this was a productive day! Let's see what manana brings....
Friday, January 19, 2007
adding to my poo list
Thursday, January 18, 2007
2Peas had a great subject to write about (fave music artist). I am working on the list...maybe it will be completed tomorrow. I am also hoping to work on some scrapbook pages...tomorrow.
I think all this snow is starting to get to is so blah. I think I need some sun and some green grass (no not the type that makes you silly and happy...hehehe). I love snow but the beach sounds really good right now! *sigh*
Maybe tomorrow will not be so....blah...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
This is fun and I am hoping it will remain fun. =0)
Well...I am off to enjoy a wonderful meal my oldest daughter cooked (she is awesome!...she even did the dishes!!!). I can smell the fish...yummy!!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007's cold outside!
At one point there were 3 buses stuck on this street.
Snow was everywhere!
These guys could not get out (this should have been a road!).
I cannot believe how cold it has been in Colorado. It started before a few months ago and has not let up. We have had tons and tons (o.k. a few feet, but after a month feet start to look like tons!) of snow and it is getting a little old! I would like to see more sun and less grey skies. Don't get me wrong, I loved having a white Christmas (it was beautiful) but when will it stop! We are being told we might be getting some more snow this weekend! And the was below 0 this weekend!
As you know I have started "blogging" (it is kind of fun!) and I love being on 2Peas (more on that obsession later). Well, when you put the two together you get a place where you can get "blogger" challenges (more on those challenges later...).
Today's challenge is: This winter, what do you do that means comfort to you? Well, this winter I have been spending tons (I know I am loving that word today!) of time watching tv and catching up on tons (hehehe) of stuff on my DVR (WOW!!! what did we ever do without this box???). I have caught up on my soaps (I also added 2 more ala DVR...), watched all my holiday cooking shows (I know a little late but Paula, Sandra and Rachael are so worth the wait), got hooked on Ace (boy do I wish I could make cakes like him!!), finished my Unit episodes and started on Friday Night Lights (I am a still behind on these...sigh) andI have watched some great shows on VOD (again what did we do without this feature???). I do all this in my family room, snuggled under Gywenie, with the Christmas Tree lights (don't ask why she is still up that's another story!!!) aglow and my birds chirping in the background. During this time my family is somewhere in the house doing something "familyish". Mmmmmm...I find the comfort in knowing my family is safe and warm under one roof and momma (that's me) is catching up on something that has no purpose (o.k. maybe learning how to fry a turkey does have some purpose in my life but trying to figure out if Jessica is going to stay with Antonio or go to Nash has no purpose but it sure is fun to watch!!!).