1. Have you been sucked in by American Idol?
YES, YES and YES!!! (so has my family!!!)
2. Do you own any albums or songs by former American Idol contestants?
Yes, Yes and Yes! We own all the AI CD's as well as CD's from Kelly, Chris, Fantasia, Taylor, Carrie, Ruben, Clay (we even have his Christmas one!!) and there are more but I am not remembering them right now...
3. What kinds of contestants do you find yourself rooting for? Who is your favorite this year? Who do you think will win?
The one's that can sing and are "fun" to watch. Blake, Chris, Lakisha and Jordan. hmmmmm...not sure yet!
4. Which do you enjoy most: the auditions or the finals?
It is fun to watch the auditions, however, I enjoy watching the finals more!
5. If the American Idol auditions came to a city near you, would you go? Why?
Yes, I would go...with my daughter! hehehehe...I can't sing!!!! (sniff...sniff)
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