Pain...i hate it!! I know everyone hates pain but darn! My knee has been hurting for a week and it is not getting any better. Reggie thinks it is because of all the cleaning I have been doing (I have also been changing furniture around and working in the patio...). I am not sure why it hurts, I only know it hurts and I am getting tired of it. I am not using Bengay at night (my poor bedroom smells like the stuff and it smells like a hospital when i go in there!!!). I am sooo getting frustrated with this and I can't help but age playing a role in this???? How HORRIBLE!!!!!
One of the things I am not looking forward to is the "aches and pains" I hear about. It seems that when one gets over a certain age all we hear is about how there bodies are breaking down! It is kind of depressing.... What is that is me! What is I become that person who is always talking about bones creaking and stiff!! AAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! I am doing it right now!!!! VIOLATION!!! *sigh*
Some kinda planner loooove
8 years ago
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