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Caution...Work Ahead
today Preacher had a very good start to a wonderful feast (i know it goes way back to when
i was young...someone refereed to messages as "food" for the soul and i seem to compare out Sunday morning ones to meals....*sigh*). He is going to be speaking about "working" out my own salvation. Very good stuff. He also touched on a few verses before this scripture when it referred to treating others "better" than you would treat yourself...thinking of them as better than me! Wow!!! That is some amazing stuff. I think that has found a place in my heart and it might be taking root. ( I want it to...that is the question. OK...if there is one thing I will say it is i can be very honest when something is coming at me at 100 MPH! I do not pretend it is not coming and i try to to move slowly to the right thinking it will miss me if i do.). Anyway... I digress. It was a good message and I cannot wait to get into it more and see what will happen (to me...see there i go thinking about myself instead of my fellow brothers and sisters...tsk). I love people but i tend to have a prideful streak and i am a very "me and mine" type of person. I cannot even imagine a life where you think and put everyone else above you. Hmmm...i guess this is the part where i need to "work" with this. I will need to process this and see where it goes....(my hope is i will come full circle and accept what God has to others and my heart think more of them and less of me (mmmppphhh...that is even hard to say). But you know what that is wha
t makes God incredible...He changes hearts and if we "work" at it he will be there at the end of each mile to greet us (I say miles because for me it is so much more easier to think in terms of "short" races which will result in 1 HUGE marathon when it is all said and done). *sighy* Good stuff!!!
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