STRESSSSSSSSSSSSS, cannon balls and cold sores...
ok...i admit it. i am the type of person who hides my stress. Life can throw me cannon ball after cannon ball and i will look at them and try to dodge them. i don't ask for help and in most cases i don't ask why the %^$* they are being thrown. my hope is it i stand my ground they will eventually stop and i can get on with life. now...if the cannon balls balls keep coming and i am busy in life or i feel they came a little to close i may freak out and loose it! wow!! loosing it will usually result in some casualties (i tend to get very loud and strike out at everyone...even if they are not throwing cannon balls). over the years i have learned to control the "loosing" it part and to my families delight i have been more successful than not. being in control during these times also helps me to look at the situation and find ways to avoid them or "illiminate" them when the "seige" is over. destroying cannon balls at a later date (or is i am lucky in advance) is a wonderful feeling!
so...that is what happens in a perfect world...the last few weeks have not been perfect. i have been under attack and because i was sooooo busy (life, death, marraige, family, work...) i have "ignored" the cannon balls. i do that sometimes. i like to think if i ignore them they will go away (again...it has to do with not having time to stop and dodge!!!). well...there are times this works and there are times it does not! in those cases where it does not work my body joins in the attack! it has this incredible way of knowing there are cannon balls coming at me left and right and i need to become aware or i might get blown up! hence...the dreaded COLD SORE under my nose (if i get them on my lip that is something i can handle in a day, but my nose...not good)!!! Well...CS came to visit on the morning after Thanksgiving (i guess i could thank him for waiting until the holiday was over....) and it was huge! It was so bad i had to pull out my medicine and start with the vitamin E! Well...it is starting to go away and that is good (it should be gone by the time i return to work). However...it is time to look at the cannon balls and figure out what needs to be done (the timing could not have been more horrible...lots to do this holiday season!).
hmmm.....i guess if i take it one day at a time and handle the cannon balls one at a time i may be able to enjoy the holidays and win a battle...or i could just throw up my white flag and call a truce till January 3rd????? hmmmmmm....
ok...i admit it. i am the type of person who hides my stress. Life can throw me cannon ball after cannon ball and i will look at them and try to dodge them. i don't ask for help and in most cases i don't ask why the %^$* they are being thrown. my hope is it i stand my ground they will eventually stop and i can get on with life. now...if the cannon balls balls keep coming and i am busy in life or i feel they came a little to close i may freak out and loose it! wow!! loosing it will usually result in some casualties (i tend to get very loud and strike out at everyone...even if they are not throwing cannon balls). over the years i have learned to control the "loosing" it part and to my families delight i have been more successful than not. being in control during these times also helps me to look at the situation and find ways to avoid them or "illiminate" them when the "seige" is over. destroying cannon balls at a later date (or is i am lucky in advance) is a wonderful feeling!
so...that is what happens in a perfect world...the last few weeks have not been perfect. i have been under attack and because i was sooooo busy (life, death, marraige, family, work...) i have "ignored" the cannon balls. i do that sometimes. i like to think if i ignore them they will go away (again...it has to do with not having time to stop and dodge!!!). well...there are times this works and there are times it does not! in those cases where it does not work my body joins in the attack! it has this incredible way of knowing there are cannon balls coming at me left and right and i need to become aware or i might get blown up! hence...the dreaded COLD SORE under my nose (if i get them on my lip that is something i can handle in a day, but my nose...not good)!!! Well...CS came to visit on the morning after Thanksgiving (i guess i could thank him for waiting until the holiday was over....) and it was huge! It was so bad i had to pull out my medicine and start with the vitamin E! Well...it is starting to go away and that is good (it should be gone by the time i return to work). However...it is time to look at the cannon balls and figure out what needs to be done (the timing could not have been more horrible...lots to do this holiday season!).
hmmm.....i guess if i take it one day at a time and handle the cannon balls one at a time i may be able to enjoy the holidays and win a battle...or i could just throw up my white flag and call a truce till January 3rd????? hmmmmmm....
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