wow!!! i did it...i had my first girls Christmas cookie exchange!!! it's over and it went really well (ok...my family says great but i am not real sure what great it for this type of event so....). Anyway, the stress is over, the anxiety put away and i can go forward. Isn't it amazing how freaky things can go when you step outside your comfort zone!! When you decide to do something and know it can flop but do it anyway!? When you leap and on the way down say...this is new territory so i guess i'll "wing it" on the way down!!! Yes, it is scary but somewhere on the way down it becomes exciting and fun! There comes a moment when you say "wow" did i really do this,
did i really step off edge, decide to "go for it", LEAP????? and some small voice inside you answers, with wonder..."yes!!!". So what does a cookie exchange have to do with leaping? well...everything!!!! I am not that type of person; one who plans family get togethers. i think they are so wonderful and special and we will attend them but no plan them. So this year when i decided to try this it was a "LEAP" and an "outside the box" thought. I talked with my family and they supported me (don't you just love family!!! th
ey are there when you decide to take the LEAP. they are waiting at the bottom with warm cocoa and words of encouragement!! yep...love them! ok...i digress... i am glad i did this and i think one of my 2008 resolutions will include LEAPING more!!!!

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