Secrets to staying young-inside and out!
* Eating salad...2 servings of veggies can slow the brain's aging process by 35%! (WOW!!! I am soooo going to eat my carrots!!!)

* Walking every other day...30 minutes three times a week will keep your mind sharp by engaging several parts of your brain at once. (Time to start walking...again!!)
* Stepping o

* Build strength...as we age, we loose muscle and gain fat (yucko!!). Trying weight-training twice a week for 40 minutes will help!!! (??? hmmmm...weight training...maybe i should get use to walking again before I try this one...)
* Expect good things...research shows that people who believe they improve with age live an average of 7 years longer!!! why? Because their upbeat thoughts release feel-good neuropeptides that help stall cellular decline! (WAHOO!!!! I love this one...
I really do believe age is so much a mind thing (ok...not 100%, I mean there
are some aches and pains that come with age...)! There are days when i let this "age" thing get to me and i start "feeling" my age (I still don't know what that is..but I know it involves depression, aches in my joints, tiredness...teeehehehehe). It starts in my head and if I don't get a grip on it I find myself falling fast!! I then have to do some mental head shakes and force myself out of it. I hate when this happens! I feel so much better and healthier when I "feel" like I am a better person (inside and outside) than I was 5 years ago. Heck...I think there are days I look better than I did 10 years ago!!! And when I can look at my skin and see smooth soft skin I get excited!! Yes....it's the little things that help me stay young including panties...

YES!!! I did sa

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