* Gigi had her prom! She and her friends we beautiful! It was touch and go at the end (her dress came in 5 days before prom!!! but everything worked out!!) The theme was Mardi Gras!!! (I will share pictures later!)
* Training...I have been spending so much time away from my team for training!!! I am learning some exciting things and we will see how it goes to "FISH"!

* Graduations!!! Wow!!! We have attended so many parties and received so many invitations and announcements this year!!! It has been so amazing to see all these awesome young people graduate!!! We are soooooo Proud of them!!
* Hair!!! AUUUGHHHHHH!!! My baby cut her hair!!!! Ohhhh...it was a sad experience for me (yes, I cried!!!). I

*Gigi graduated!!!! Wahooooooooooo!!! We are soooooooooooooo proud of her and she worked so hard (yes it was touch and go for awhile b

* Aunt Ether Mae came into town for some training and we were able to visit with her (we went to our favorite restaurant...Senor Rics...yummy!!)
*Boo completed another semester and received straight A's!!! WOW!!! She also entered 2 writing contest on campus and she had honorable mention in one and the other one she won 1st place!!!! WOW!!!! I h

*Graduation Luau...it was fun but such a lot of work! (I was able to get a new grill out of it....) It was real special to have so much family there!!! The were awesome!!!
*Our computer is acting weird and might be sick!!! Yucko!!!!!!!!

*Boo has taken her 1st trip without us! She is currently in California and was in Vegas...all to see Panic At The Disco!!! She is with friends and boy....what an eye opener to us!!! We miss her.

*Boo had her dance recital. She worked real hard and WOW!!! She has really improved and boy can she dance!!! She was FANTASTIC!!!
*Boo received her first ticket!!!! AUUUGGHHHHH!!!!! not good!
*Gigi is starting to drive!!! *sniff..sniff...as if graduation was not enough now she is driving...my baby is grow

*I have started beading (one of my goals) and am really liking it!!
*We have been learning about "GIFTS" at church and it is really impacting our family!!! It is one of those things that is changing us and will continue to change us (so much more on that later).
*I am scrapboooking more and taking more pictures...smile!!! I am sooo falling in love with mini-books!!!
o.k.......I think that covers some of the big things. So...our hope is that things will slow down but from the looks of things I don't think so (Gigi went to see a concert tonight at we had to taxi her and her friends, Boo comes in on Monday, my hunny bunny has a horrible eye allergy (we were in the emergency room this morning), the computer is still wacko and...we have to see what Gigi is going to do come August...ohhh and I am thinking about putting together a family reunion...WOW!!!). I am sooooo hoping to get back into blogging (I love it!) but we will see. In the meantime I will continue to take pictures and maybe, just maybe...force myself to sit down every few days and update~~~~
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