Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ohhhh...i was blogging and found the cutest most adorable little characters!!! PON AND ZI!!! I luuuuuuv them!!! teeehehehehe...

One in a Bajillion!!!!

i love him....he is singing his little heart out!!!! :)

ok...this is my favorite so far!!!!
my heart is sad. this weekend we had another church killing (2 killed, 7 injured). my heart and soul were sad when i heard about this on the news (,2933,391786,00.html). why would someone be so cruel as to walk into a church and start shooting? why? It does not make any sense (and i guess it should never ever make sense) why someone would do this? and with children in the building? why? i remember when it happened a few months ago in our was horrible then and it is horrible now. *sighy* Our hearts and prayers go out to them and the community.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

DesignStar!!! The final!! Who is going to win?????

I love this show and I was so sad when Mikey's show was canceled in show 5. I liked him! Anyway...I should be cheering Matt on (he is from Colorado) but...I like Jennifer (seems warm and fun!) and I love what she does with walls!! ...we will know this week!!!
Align Right is 10:32 and guess what!!! It happened...the first signs of age have hit my home!!! As I was telling you earlier the girls were going to be gone all day (and night...and they are still gone). Well...hunny bunny and I had the day all to ourselves!!! Couple time...right? Well...hmmmmmm...we were alone but....we kind of (ok we DID!!) old people stuff!!! We did not go to dinner (instead we went to a local place that serves beef bowls...steamed rice and meat). Hunny bunnies tummy was recovering (onion rings and BLT breakfast...) so he needed something "gentle". *sighy* We then came home (it was so hot hunny bunny wanted to eat at home instead of in the car) and watched H&C and discussed politics and the 2008 election (wow!! hot and passionate pillow talk?...NOT!!!!). I then decided to take a nap and hunny bunny watched tv...(hmmmmmm.....). Well...I woke up at 10 and found hunny bunny sleeping on the couch and the house was dark and silent. So...i thought...what to do...well guess what i decided!!! *sighy* See what I mean...old people stuff!!! Hmmmmmmmmm....
Saturday!!! It is going to be one of those busy not busy know the type where there is lots to do put the doing is done in spurts... I have to visit some LSS (sales!!) and I have to drop off my daughter to a friends. They are going to attend an all day and night Christian Music Fest! Fun!! I just hope they don't roast before the day is over!! And then my other baby is going to be going to Colorado Springs for a concert (and the crazy thing is she saw them last night here in Denver!! Wow! Isn't youth awesome!!). So do you know what that means...alone time with hunny bunny...maybe we can go to dinner!! MAYBE is the key word...he was not feeling well last night...hunny bunny decided to eat a BLT sandwich with onion rings for breakfast yesterday morning and it did not go to well with his tummy!!! WOW...I am not sure if he was thinking he was a young hunny bunny but...well...older hunny bunnies tummies cannot take that kind of breakfast anymore.... *sigh* Anyway...much going on and it is about to start so I thought I would sneak a few minutes into my blog (wow!!! where or where are my priorities...i should at least be putting some laundry in or something...tsk...tsk...).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



This was for a new challenge site i found...GOT MOJO (fun site!!). We needed to include parts of a song...Elsie was the guest on this challenge. Me and hunny bunny!

My baby girl. This was for a 2Peas challenge! The journaling talks about how she loves to go outside and think and how I hope she always has happy thought!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

ENERGY!!! AUUGGHH!!! I need some soooo bad! Lately I have been walking around in a motivation...nothing! And to top it off it is hotter than...well it is HOT!!! High 90's the last 2 weeks!!! YUCKO!! Anyway (enough about heat...just talking about it makes me 10 degrees hotter!!!) mind wants to have energy and there are times I feel like I can stand up and WOW!!! the house is going to get cleaned, the laundry folded and yes...i am going to barbecue outside and have some people over!!! WAHOOO!!! and then...I stand up look around and then reach for the remote!!! *sighy* Energy...I need some like...welll...i wanted to say a crack addict needs crack but that is not how about like a kitty needs mommy's milk...I NEED IT BAD!!! and not the type you manufacture in a can (that stuff tastes yucky...and like crack it is addictive!!! tsk...tsk..). So what to do...I know, go to and see if he can give me some ideas (I told you I love the man...he is one of my guru's...)

Want to feel happier and have more energy?
Then you need to boost the levels of your “happy hormone” – serotonin. It’s a brain chemical that’s triggered by certain things. So here’s how to trigger it, courtesy of Dr. Pamela Peeke and Woman’s World magazine:
Eat popcorn. The smell of popcorn gives you more energy, and the complex carbs boost serotonin production. And unlike sugary foods, complex carbs increase your feelings of well-being without a blood-sugar crash afterward. You can also boost serotonin production by eating turkey, eggs, nuts, beans, fish, and hummus.
Get more vitamins. Studies show that walking 20 minutes a day and taking a multi-vitamin that includes folic acid, B vitamins, selenium and vitamin D can boost the moods of mildly depressed people by 50 percent. And as an added bonus, 25 percent of the people in the study who took supplements also lost weight without trying.
Another happiness-booster: milk. A study in the Netherlands found that the “whey” in milk boosts serotonin production.
Boost your happiness with chocolate. Studies show that dark chocolate contains a blend of calming ingredients which activate the feel-good chemicals in your brain. So, to lift your mood, munch popcorn, take a multivitamin and go for a daily walk, drink milk and eat some dark chocolate. If you’d like to go further, check out Dr. Peeke’s book: Body for Life for Women.

Quick Energy Boosters
Are you tired all the time? You’re not alone! These days, a lot of us are crazy-busy, overly-stressed, and not getting enough sleep. So, here are some quick energy boosters from a life coach, an energy expert, a sleep specialist. We got this intelligence from Woman’s World magazine:
Life coach Cheryl Richardson says: Hide the clutter! New research shows that just seeing clutter increases stress and tension in your body and mind. Putting even some of it out of sight helps you relax and unwind. Why? Because you see new empty spaces, and your brain says, “Ahhhh! Openness!” – which helps you relax. So, spend 5 minutes tossing papers, knickknacks and junk in a box. Even better, spend 10 minutes filing, tossing, and putting things away. That way, you won’t have to deal them again.
Think like an optimist! Studies show that negative thoughts are exhausting, but according to energy coach Jon Gordon, simply having a positive outlook gives your energy levels a boost. So, instead of focusing on what you can’t finish – focus on what you can get done - or did get done. The surge of optimism will give you a boost of energy.
Also, create a distraction! One of the best energy-boosters is getting plenty of sleep. Researchers found that women who work, sleep better than stay-at-home moms, partly because work distracts them from stress. Like a fight they had with the kids or their spouse. Sleep expert Amy Wolfson says you don’t need a job to be distracted. Spending even 10 minutes on a hobby that fully engages your mind can set the stage for a restful night’s sleep, which will give you energy to burn.
Get a whiff of peppermint or cinnamon! Researchers at Wheeling Jesuit University say that peppermint boosts mood and motivation. So, pop a Tic-Tac, or drink a cup of peppermint tea. Also, studies show that cinnamon improves circulation, alertness, and energy. So, chew some sugar-free cinnamon gum, or add a dash of cinnamon whenever you brew a pot of coffee.

OK...the chocolate..i can do that!!! teehehehehe...and i can see where some of these other things will help (see...I told you Tesh was th'bomb!!!). I have been thinking about vitamins so I will look into those and the clutter.....hmmmm, that is real interesting and I believe there is something to that...I will have to look into that!!! Interesting and good stuff!!! I can feel the energy STARTING to if i can stay away from the remote...tehehehehehe!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Some layouts/challenges I completed...

A double layout for the 4x6 challenge on 2Peas. My daughter and friends enjoying a boys soccer game. I soooo loved this paper (so much I bought the whole kit!!) The colors are so vibrant!!

Another 2Peas challenge (B&G Page Planner). The scan was not to good (all the "goodies" did not allow it to lay flat). It is real vibrant in real life!!

Another one for the B&G challenge. This one was fun because everything but the black letters was from an older kit (I am so trying to use the "old" stuff" up)!!!

One more...for the "Scrapjacked" challenge. Older picture and older supplies used on this one.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

5 things consuming my mind at this moment in time...
* a message board subject on 2Peas about obese parents and there children. WOW!!! I so have so much to say but is it worth the energy to say it and more so to thing about the asinine ignorance I encountered.
* college. the girls (yes i said!!) will be starting on the 10nth and i want to make sure everything is in order, including tuition (yes...2 tuition's this semester). We have to get transcripts for Gigi and apply for the states STIP...*sighy*
* work...ohhhhh work!!! I am so thankful for my job (God Is soooo good!!) but sometimes...well, sometimes it is just that a job...and for me that is not always good (passion!! i need passion!!).
* scrapbooking...i so need to get some more done and boy oh boy...if i had my area organized it would be heaven!!! I also want to purchase some awesome paper i have seen...yummy!!!
* Grandma's...i need to visit with them and enjoy them (they are not getting any younger...but than again who is???).

Friday, July 18, 2008

Some more pages I did (all of them were inspired by a challenge!) Boy do I love challenges...they truley motivate me!!!!

Friday!! Wahoo!!! One more night and I am able to rest for 2 days!! Wahoo!! I am also starting to get excited about Las Vegas! It is less than 1 mnth away! Wahoo!!!! I can't has been over 6 years since we have been there!!! Wahoo!!! The last time I was there all my pictures were taken by regular film...I am going back with a digital camera...Wow!!! The pictures I will be able to take!! Wahoo!!!
So speaking of trips I was reading one of my favorite sites (and radio spots...) and came across this...some good stuff !!!

Stay Happy On Your Next Trip
Here’s a page ripped from our Summer Survival Guide. How to stay sane and happy when you’re on vacation with every other person on the planet. This is from travel columnist Christopher Elliot, who says that travel in the Summer of 2008 is more costly. Gas is pricier, so you’ll be paying extra not just for your ticket, but for every checked bag. So here’s how to keep from freaking out.
Take care of yourself. The unspoken rule of summer travel is that the moment you leave home, you’ve agreed to be hungry, tired, lost, dirty and disappointed. Psychologist Leslie Beth Wish says you can reduce the negativity and beat the travel blues by planning ahead. Like packing a lunch, getting plenty of rest, and printing out directions before you leave home.
Lower your expectations. You used to be able to depend on certain things on a trip. Like, the hotel room rate you were quoted would be what you actually paid. Today, there are a lot of hidden charges and unfair resort fees. Like for the golf course - or the safe in your room - whether you use them or not. Bottom line: You’ll stay saner if you expect to be taken advantage of - and let it go when it happens.
Another way to stay happy on your next trip: Build in an extra cushion of time whether you’re headed for the airport, or to an amusement park. That way you can relax, and find a way to enjoy the delays and long lines – say, by people-watching, or reading the book you were smart enough to toss in your bag.
Look for the things that go RIGHT, instead of those that go WRONG. For example, the fact that your plane took off on time, your luggage actually arrived when you did, and your hotel room was ready and waiting when you checked in.
Pack your sense of humor. Since travel has gotten so absurdly difficult, it’s actually funny. Like the fact you have to take off your shoes at airport security. Or pay extra to check your suitcase, or pay to get earbuds for the in-flight movie or a bag of snacks. The ability to laugh at absurdities can reduce your own negativity, even if those around you don’t get the joke.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 i am sooo behind but I must comment about CSI!!! My daughter and I just watched the final episode and WOW!!! I had heard the character of Warrick would not be returning (as if CSI MIAMI was not enough!!)...but to kill him off!!! AAUUGGHHH!! I sat there stunned! and the way they did it does not leave any room for him to survive! So sad!! And then...I just read about Petersen (Grissom) leaving CSI (the 10nth episode)! Wow!!! What next??? I know they are saying he will make "visits" but it will not be the same! I love his character and I think he is the backbone of the show so...i don't know what will happen. I have to agree with my daughter when she says she hopes the show does not "die a slow horrible death..." Well, only time will tell and in the meantime I will mourn my losses (and keep my fingers crossed about Heratio!!).

My acrylic class was fun and I can't wait to put the pictures in so I can enjoy the book! I learned some things and was able to use some new products (wahoo!!! I did not purchase anything!! tehehehehe).

I wanted to post a few pics...the first are from a challenge about what is in my fridge right now, the last one was when hunny bunny had his horrible eye allergy...

The front of our refrigerator...

Cheese, Pace picante (Boo and I love hot and hunny bunny and Gigi love medium) and yogurt...what more could a family ask for...teeehehehehehe

Poor hunny bunny.....and it became more swollen as the days went by...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's one of my "cool" days but not really "cool". To be honest it is freakin' HOT!!! It has been in the high high high 90's and man oh man is it hot!!! I sooo love the son but the heat that comes with it...yucko!!! It's that kind of heat where you don't want to move because movement causes friction which causes heat!!! YUCKO!!! WE bought ice so we can have cold ice water and that is real good on two counts...1/keeps your body cooler and 2/I NEED MORE H2O!!! Hopefully this will get me back in the habit of drinking water.

Last night was awesome...I was getting ready for work and I see these 2 huge boxes from...yiu guessed it!!! HSN!! Wahoo! My order came in!! Well..I did not have time to open it but I was excited! I was to tired this morning so I left it for this afternoon and WAHOO!!! Lot's of fun stuff!!! (I will post them later!!). It made my week (especially after the disappointment on Monday with QVC (what was with that???). I also received my 2Peas box on Friday (you talk about fast!! I ordered it on Wednesday night!!) and there were lots of goodies in there too!!! Yippee!!! and I have a scrapbook class tomorrow at Archivers!! Wahoo!! Scrapbook heaven is where I am right now (pictures to come!). on to my favorite part of Tuesday...LISTS!!! Wahoo!!!

* Fold clothes (they are piling up so much I can't see my loveseat in the family room...right next to the wash area!).

* Have hunny bunny get transcripts for Gigi

* order and pick up pictures!!!

* finish my to do list at work (almost done!!)

* start working on the living room (it keeps getting put back!!)

* scrapbook some more and get the new challenges

* upload pages from last week

* get a new air bed!!!!!

whew!!! enough for now....back to avoiding the heat~~

Monday, July 14, 2008

One of the things I wanted to do this weekend was see a movie. Well...VOD is so awesome and available at anytime so I was able to get in a movie I have been wanting to watch...

Boy, did it make my day, I was able to laugh and laugh and laugh some more! And having visited my husbands family, I was able to understand the humor a little more. And I loved "chica"..she is what a friend is!!! Loyal and willing to through a brick and someone for you!! Wow!!! (Peggy, I know you would do that for me...teeehehehe). And the!!! Who would not love to have a house full of Browns!!! A fun movie to watch!!!

Ok...i have been thinking and sometimes that can be dangerous!!! Thinking, that is...and one area where my mind has been going crazy is my "work" world. I think it has something to do with my babies going to college. I so hope they stay and get a degree in something they have passion for. Something they love! Something that excites them and makes them happy. I mean 40 hours a week (depending on the job...way more hours than 40) doing something that does not give you joy can be a horrible thing! I am excited for Boo. She wants to write and that is what she is pursuing (she is pretty darn good at it!!). Gigi is still figuring out what she wants but that is ok...take you time baby girl, you are only 18 there is no huge rush! Anyway...I see the girls so "fresh" and "open" and I wish I would have had this type of encouragement when I was there age. Now I am not blaming anyone...I just wish I had someone to guide me and listen and say "You can be anything You want!!" "Stay focused and never give up". But you know what, I believe there is a reason for everything and there was a reason for me and I believe that has helped me to be a better mom...especially right now, during this phase in the girls lives. I can bring a different perspective and I hope it is helping them. Which brings it around to me...what should I be doing with all this? I know there is coming a time where I need to make a move and I am not sure where or to what level. I too want joy and passion in my work. I want to love what I am doing and be excited (at least 90% of the time!). Hmmmm.... and today's economy and "concerns" do not help in the thought process. One must be responsible and use wisdom, especially when you have a family, bills, college... So there in lies my sadness... Being grown up! *sigh* Boy are my babies lucky right now!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday and wahoo!! the weekend is here!! Time to...well i have all these "cleaning plans" in my head but I do not know if they will fall through. I do know I have some challenges I want to complete and tomorrow we have a soccer game to attend (i so hope it is not as hot as it has been this last!!! we reached 99 one day!!! Yucko!!). Hmmmm...i am not sure if I have a weekend list!!! MTLANTA!!! What is the world coming to when I might not have a list....maybe it is overload!! So much going on in my mind and i can't stop thinking! Have you ever wanted to take your brain and put it on the nightstand for awhile? You know..function without all the thoughts going on!!! I know...but I cam dream can't I??? I do know I would like to get in a movie...time will tell (I was thinking of something at home, in my family room where it is nice and cool...).

Here are some pictures of the night of the 4th. Good Times!!

Hunny Bunny!

Cousins having fun (look real close they are in there...somewhere among all the smoke!!)

Getting ready to enjoy the fireworks!!

Gigi and Dominique "sparkling"!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 is done. We registered Gigi for Metro (sniff...sniff) and now are waiting for her acceptance so she can sign up for classes! Wow! Where does the time go??? She is not to excited (to be expected) but she does feel this is where God wants her (so important!!). I can't believe I will be saying in a month..."My babies are in college!!!). Auggggghhh!!!! Now if I could get hunny bunny back in school I would be one happy momma!!! (smile!!!).
I have been uploading pictures and bot has that been fun!!! I made the mistake of putting all of them in one file (over 600!!) so now the file is sloooooow to come up!! AAuugghhhh!!! I need to break the pictures time to get with Boo to teach me (teeehehehe). I have all these cute pictures to post but the wait time is to much and I give up (sigh!!). Maybe later today she will help....
We are still trying to get ahold of Grandma (such a frustrating process)...what to do???? HSN had a scrapbook day yesterday and guess who was bad (sigh!). It was so much fun and they had some new stuff (teeehehehehe!!). I am debating on a family day (sigh) and i put my name in for a project (another sigh!!). I am rocking on my scrapbooking (wahoo!!!) and I am off to check my weekly challenges (part of my 101 things...). Speaking of 101 things I am working on them and need Boo (my guru!!) to show me how to put a line through my lists of things (once I get done with one). Wahoo!!!! Summer is half over and i have so much to do.....SIGH!!!!! to make some yummy dinner (chicken and rice...a favorite!!). tata!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 know what that means.... LIST TIME!!!! (teehehehehe)

* grocery shopping
* finish laundry and road trip laundry
* fold...fold...fold
* figure out what we are going to do about family get together
* work on challenges
* download pics to seadisk (Boo)
* have Gigi fill out application for Metro
* send 2-3 cards (including Allie's grad!!)
* bills....
* get upstairs back to "normal"
* order pictures from Sams
* Let Brandee know you want to do an album for her
* download birthday/4th pictures
4th of July + Fireworks + Fireflies + Family = FUN!!!!!

We made it back safe and sound! It was a great 4th of July spent with family in my uncle's "ranch" (I say it is a farm but hunny bunny says it is a ranch because there are animals not plants?????). I loved spending time with my Uncle and seeing him feeding the animals and taking care of his land was special. He really fits in the country. I was also thrilled to spend some time with my cousins...good times!!! The only thing I did not like were the mosquito's!!! UUUGGHHHH!!! But WOW!!! the fireflies were incredible!!! They lit up the grass and the was awesome!!! I am sooo glad we went to South Dakota. We also had some awesome fireworks...and against the starry was awesome!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

On This Day:

Friday, July 4, 2008: Today is “Independence Day!” In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress, even though the “official” signing didn’t happen until August 2nd, 1776. The manuscript journals included the famous declaration “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
On this day in 1826, fifty years to the day after the approval of the Declaration of Independence, which they both had a hand in drafting, former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on the same day.

Today is the anniversary of the publishing of “America the Beautiful.” In 1895, the poem of the same name, by Katherine Lee Bates, a Wellesley College professor, was published in the “Congregationalist,” a church publication. It later went on to become one of America’s most beloved national songs.

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY from South Dakota!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

One of the things I wanted to do was get back into challenges so here are a few that i have completed...

This was for the How Much Is Too Much Challenge (#83...Now I know my ABC's...we had to use the alphabet)

Another HMITM Challenges...(#82...use 8 epoxy stickers and 2 complimentary colors).

This was a challenge on 2Peas...The title comes from me adding all the years we all have been married!! WOW!!!

Another 2Peas challenge (101 things...). This one was real fun and I was able to do some sewing which I enjoyes and also drew circles around my photo (I have never done that before!!!) Fun!!
No challenge...just inspiration!!! Boo took this photo of herself and the paper is at least 2-3 years old!!! I love how this one turned out!!