Monday, July 21, 2008

ENERGY!!! AUUGGHH!!! I need some soooo bad! Lately I have been walking around in a motivation...nothing! And to top it off it is hotter than...well it is HOT!!! High 90's the last 2 weeks!!! YUCKO!! Anyway (enough about heat...just talking about it makes me 10 degrees hotter!!!) mind wants to have energy and there are times I feel like I can stand up and WOW!!! the house is going to get cleaned, the laundry folded and yes...i am going to barbecue outside and have some people over!!! WAHOOO!!! and then...I stand up look around and then reach for the remote!!! *sighy* Energy...I need some like...welll...i wanted to say a crack addict needs crack but that is not how about like a kitty needs mommy's milk...I NEED IT BAD!!! and not the type you manufacture in a can (that stuff tastes yucky...and like crack it is addictive!!! tsk...tsk..). So what to do...I know, go to and see if he can give me some ideas (I told you I love the man...he is one of my guru's...)

Want to feel happier and have more energy?
Then you need to boost the levels of your “happy hormone” – serotonin. It’s a brain chemical that’s triggered by certain things. So here’s how to trigger it, courtesy of Dr. Pamela Peeke and Woman’s World magazine:
Eat popcorn. The smell of popcorn gives you more energy, and the complex carbs boost serotonin production. And unlike sugary foods, complex carbs increase your feelings of well-being without a blood-sugar crash afterward. You can also boost serotonin production by eating turkey, eggs, nuts, beans, fish, and hummus.
Get more vitamins. Studies show that walking 20 minutes a day and taking a multi-vitamin that includes folic acid, B vitamins, selenium and vitamin D can boost the moods of mildly depressed people by 50 percent. And as an added bonus, 25 percent of the people in the study who took supplements also lost weight without trying.
Another happiness-booster: milk. A study in the Netherlands found that the “whey” in milk boosts serotonin production.
Boost your happiness with chocolate. Studies show that dark chocolate contains a blend of calming ingredients which activate the feel-good chemicals in your brain. So, to lift your mood, munch popcorn, take a multivitamin and go for a daily walk, drink milk and eat some dark chocolate. If you’d like to go further, check out Dr. Peeke’s book: Body for Life for Women.

Quick Energy Boosters
Are you tired all the time? You’re not alone! These days, a lot of us are crazy-busy, overly-stressed, and not getting enough sleep. So, here are some quick energy boosters from a life coach, an energy expert, a sleep specialist. We got this intelligence from Woman’s World magazine:
Life coach Cheryl Richardson says: Hide the clutter! New research shows that just seeing clutter increases stress and tension in your body and mind. Putting even some of it out of sight helps you relax and unwind. Why? Because you see new empty spaces, and your brain says, “Ahhhh! Openness!” – which helps you relax. So, spend 5 minutes tossing papers, knickknacks and junk in a box. Even better, spend 10 minutes filing, tossing, and putting things away. That way, you won’t have to deal them again.
Think like an optimist! Studies show that negative thoughts are exhausting, but according to energy coach Jon Gordon, simply having a positive outlook gives your energy levels a boost. So, instead of focusing on what you can’t finish – focus on what you can get done - or did get done. The surge of optimism will give you a boost of energy.
Also, create a distraction! One of the best energy-boosters is getting plenty of sleep. Researchers found that women who work, sleep better than stay-at-home moms, partly because work distracts them from stress. Like a fight they had with the kids or their spouse. Sleep expert Amy Wolfson says you don’t need a job to be distracted. Spending even 10 minutes on a hobby that fully engages your mind can set the stage for a restful night’s sleep, which will give you energy to burn.
Get a whiff of peppermint or cinnamon! Researchers at Wheeling Jesuit University say that peppermint boosts mood and motivation. So, pop a Tic-Tac, or drink a cup of peppermint tea. Also, studies show that cinnamon improves circulation, alertness, and energy. So, chew some sugar-free cinnamon gum, or add a dash of cinnamon whenever you brew a pot of coffee.

OK...the chocolate..i can do that!!! teehehehehe...and i can see where some of these other things will help (see...I told you Tesh was th'bomb!!!). I have been thinking about vitamins so I will look into those and the clutter.....hmmmm, that is real interesting and I believe there is something to that...I will have to look into that!!! Interesting and good stuff!!! I can feel the energy STARTING to if i can stay away from the remote...tehehehehehe!!!

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