Happy New Year! It has been 2009 for 2 days!! Wow!! It was so exciting to ha
ve Gigi here with us. We miss her and enjoyed her sooo much!! We added a new puppy to the mix and that made for a fun new year (teeehehehehe...i am positive there will be more on her in the upcoming months). I hope everyone had a fun and safe new year! We celebrated in Burgess tradition (Red Lobster, a gift and counting in the New Year together!!). We have pictures and I will get those downloaded soon.

Where di
d 2008 go? There was soooo much that happened and it was fast and fierce!! It went so fast I don't believe I was able to accomplish everything I set out to do. I did set out and to be honest I feel like I am starting my journey in some of those important areas. I have been reflecting on these things....finances, marriage, my faith, my girls, me...WOW!! So much!! And 2008 was an incre
dible year...a year of change, a year of growth, a year of awareness...in self, God, marriage, motherhood, daughterhood...so much!! I fill there is so much more to do so I believe 2009 will be a continuation...I believe it will be a year to complete the "growth" process. I like to call it the "goo" stage...you know that time between the caterpillar and the butterfly...that time when so many incredible things are happening but if you look to close it is real ugly!!! Metamorphosis!!! Yes...that will be my theme this year....I will be building on this....teeeheheheheeee. I also need to get my 2009 list blogged real soon.

Today was bitt
ersweet. We took Gigi to the airport and she is now back in Oklahoma. *sigh* I am really missing her! It was such a blessing to spend 10 days with her. I loved hearing her laugh and our home seemed like home. *sigh* We were able to spend the day with her and we went to Senor Rics for dinner (one of her favorite restaurants). She has her Christmas stuff still here and I will be getting that in the mail for her next week. It was a relief to hear she had arrived safely (Thanks Debbie for picking her up!!
). She will be back for Spring break and we are already counting the days....teeehehehehe. Missing her tons and Millions of Memories.

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