If you could "un-invent" one thing in the world so that it would no longer exist, what would you choose? If I could "un-invent" one thing it would be alcohol (liquor)! I think there are so many bad things that have come out of people getting "wasted" and I feel the world would be a better place without it.
Monday morning you usually waking up thinking: I start thinking about the things I have to accomplish this week. I also think about it being my "Sunday" and I have the night off!!! teeeehehehe...and last but not least...Who is playing tonight (football).
Do you find it easy to ask for help? Why or why not? No...it is very very hard for me to ask for help!! I am a very prideful person and I feel people will look down on me for not being able to do something on my own (i know...tsk...tsk..tsk...). HOWEVER, I am learning to ask and put those "weak" thought out of my head (so far i am doing pretty good). I believe a person is that much more stronger if they are able to ask for help along the way...
Monday's a ______
Random Joy
1. Do you bruise easily? YES!!!! I never use to (i think it has to do with age...teeehehehe). All I have to do is touch something and I bruise! I hate it!!!
2. What does your name rhyme with? croquette (????)
3. If you could have any famous piece of art to display in your home, which would you choose? Bouquet of Sunflowers by Monet

4. What's the most inconvenient thing about the place you're currently living? Inconvenient...well there is nothing inconvenient but if you were to ask what I don't like I would have a few things...
5. What book are you reading right now? I am reading 3
romance novels" and 2 "self-help" books. I am loving all 5 of them!!! (they are spread out in my house and office so I cannot give you the exact title's)
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