Tuesday, September 25, 2007

10 Things I Have Been Putting Off...

1/ organizing my scrap room
2/ cleaning out and giving my car a bath
3/ sending out some cards (just becuz cards)
4/ getting a monthly savings plan going (yuck!!)
5/ cleaning out the "junk room"

6/ getting the laundry caught up (washed, folded AND put away)
7/ maintena
nce in the downstairs bathroom
8/ organizing b
oth hard and soft copies of my photo's
9/ getting my desk at work decorated
10/ planning a family dinner at my home (another just becuz)

2 Peas Today's Challenge~
What do you do to calm yourself down when your very upset or stre
ssed out?

Listening to music (country or soft rock) will help to calm me down (if i am on the verge of road rage!!!). If i am in a store, counting helps! At
work it helps to move to something else for a while or walk away from the situation (these always help!!). At home...well yelling ALWAYS relieves my stress but I have learned that is not healthy for the family or the pets (teeehehehehe) so....watching tv, scrapping, reading a magazine and music can help me out! Now.. i have to tell you any and all of these things can work when i am feeling great and i have life by the huevos! If that is not the case there are ONLY 4 things that will help (please be warned these are not healthy or encouraged).




w...i have been known to do 3 of those things at once if the stress was real bad...the 4th....well if I could discover a way to add that to the mix i think i would have discovered paradise....teeeehehehehe!

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