Monday, January 21, 2008


* what will this week hold for me? will it be better than last week? i sure hope so.
* if i don't get up and do the laundry who will? I have my clothes i want to wear tomorrow in there and they need to be put in the dryer.
* i am so wanting some butter pecan ice cream...i am soooo going to have some tonight!
* i need to get my Christmas Tree's down (i know...i's the 21st of January and they are still up!!).
* i am so glad i put gas is Boo's car after is cold and snowy and she will not have to worry about that on her first day of a new semester.
* wow! Boo is a Junior in college! Where has the time gone!
* Go Pats!! I am so glad they won but man...they play a boring game so i am hoping with the Giants winning it will be a great and exciting game!
* I found some exciting projects online for beading but wow!! that hobby is not cheap. why do i pick the hobbies that are expensive!
* i need to get with my mom and aunt Virgie to see who has birthdays coming up.
* i am hoping i can have our parents over this weekend but i am not sure...time will tell!
* i am sure glad i was able to work with Dave. I will miss him as my boss.
* learning hsi stuff is sooooo mind boggling! i sure hope i can get it by our final on Friday!
* before leaving for work today i happened to see something on the news. January 21st is the most depressing day of the year. It was not a great way to start my day! I am so glad i did not let that statement own me and my day was a good day! teeeeehehehe!

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