today starts three weeks if training! yucko! i know it will benefit my team, the company and myself....i know this, but still...yucko!!!! actually it was fun relearning somethings and learning some new things. i am looking forward to learning some things that i have been wanting to learn for awhile. i love learning (even if it is broadband related...teeehehehehe). this is also great for me because one of my changes in 2008 is to gain more technical knowledge! i have had to change my schedule (i am not thrilled about that) and i only had one day off this week just occured to me that i am whining.....(someone want some cheese to go with that wine???? teehehehe). is to three weeks of interesting "changes".! have you ever had one of those nights where you have a horrible dream and it sets the tone for the whole night? Last night i had a horrible horrible dream. My hunny bunny had to wake me up because i was making simpering noises. well...i could not get into any real good sleep after that. it was a very fitful and sleepless night. YUCKO! i hate nightmares!! hate hate hate them (one of the reasons i do not see scary movies). i sure hope this is the only horrible dream i have in 2008!!
monday....i did own some of my day...i was exhausted but i still did a half mile walk (it is a start), i did some laundry and some cleaning. now if i can work on my "thankful" 2008 book it would be a real "productive" day!
Some kinda planner loooove
8 years ago
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