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Enough already!!!! I am soooooo over this!!! When will the madness end??? When will I be normal again? When will I wake up and feel refreshed inst
ead of headacheeee? When will my throat not scratch??? When will I have energy to walk to the washer and put a load of clothes in without feeling like I walked 20 miles??? When will I be NORMAL???? It has been over a week??? I know I pushed myself...went to work everyday when I should have been resting. I know I should have slept more and drank more water. I know these things but I did not. Ohhh well....time to move on body! Time to get over it and get well!! Come on...I have things to do, a life to live and you being sick and tired is not helping me!!!! I NEED TO GET WELL!!!! I want to scream and yell (but it would make me exhausted and I have work
tonight....uuuggghhhh!!!). And the worst part is...two of my agents are sick at work (this will be the 3rd round in my group...) and my baby girl came home from school feeling yucky!! AAAAUUUGGHHHHHH!!! When will this madness stop????????? WHEN??????
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