This was a fun fun fun lo to do!! It is from a challenge (the same one that "My Babies Daddy" was done for) called Category Stories. So far their challenges have ROCKED!!! The challenge was Body Parts. These are what i consider my "best features" (teeehehehehehe...i know shame on me!!)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
My blessings....
1/ an incredible husband who loves me for me!!
2 and 3/ 2 incredible daughters who are unique and wonderful!
7 of my blessings...
4/ a home full of love and laughter.
5/ a GOD who is loving and forgiving!
6/ a country that allows me FREEDOM!
7/ a history of a close knit wild and crazy family (aunts, uncles, cousins...)
Saturday, September 29, 2007 ironic that i would take a day off to work at home!!! is that like an oxymoron? day off = work? Well, that is what happened. I was able to get caught up on most of the laundry (I had did the happy dance thinking i was done and then i walked into the upstairs bathroom and POOF! tons and tons of the girls clothes!! *sighy* no more happy dance!). I am hoping to get the rest of it done today (in between some lo's and soccer!). I was able to finish the upstairs bathroom (wahoo!) and the living room (double wahoo!). I also started on the family room (dusting and vacuuming and the reading section are the only thing left...wahoo!) and the kitchen (mopping and last nights dishes are all that is left!). WAHOO!!!! it looks like i may be done with most of the "fall" cleaning by OCTOBER 1st (which was my goal!!!). sooooooo...i guess it was worth it to take a day off to work! I will feel so happy to know everything is done for the upcoming seasons (all i will have to do is redecorate for every upcoming holiday...which i LOVE to do!!!). Good times!!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Baby Talk
1. Are there any babies in your family or circle of friends? no (sniff*sniff)
2. Are you one of those people who use a high-pitched, sing-song voice when talking to babies and small children? I am the type who uses a high pitched sing-song tone when talking to babies. I tend to talk to small children very slow and I always speak in questions (weird, i know!)
3. If you were standing in line next to a *very* pregnant stranger at the bank or grocery store, what would you say to her? nothing
4. Similarly, what do you say or do near babies in public? I smile
at them (the babies)
5. When walking through a department store, are you th
e sort of person who can go by the baby clothes without even a glance or do you have to stop to ooh and ahh? I can walk by the baby department without oooohing and aaahing.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
13 words/phrases i love to say...
1/ awesome!
3/ really???
4/ teeehehehehehehe (i guess it is not really a word but i use it lots and lots in my writings...teehehehehe).
5/ I am not joking
6/ sorry
7/ Did we DVR it?
8/ You Rock!!
9/ *sighy* (another one of the "it's not a word but i use it lots and lots in my writings).
10/ Let me take a picture
11/ What time will you be home?
12/ no!!!
13/ I am off today!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Our word for the week is
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

1/ The Glass Castle...Jeanette Walls
2/ Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices and Priorities of Winning Life......Tony Dungy
3/ Twighlight.......Stephanie Meyer
4/ The Tipping Point....Malcolm Gladwell
5/ Mine Till Midnight.....Lisa Kleypas
6/ Becoming a Person of Influence....John C Maxwell and Jim Dornan
7/ Encyclopedia of and Ordinary Life.......Amy Krouse Rosenthal
8/ This Year I Will...M.J. Ryan
9/ Every Day Deserves a Chance....Max Lucado
10/ Living Out Loud.....Keri Smith
11/ Dark Celebration.....Christine Feehan
12/ Dark Possession.....Christine Feehan
13/ Middle Sex: A Novel......Jeffery Eugenides
Today I am going to "tackle" my laundry! There is sooooo much of it and
I just bought some detergent so.....the laundry and I are going to have a wonderful day *sighy*! And...I am also going to to my grocery shopping today! I have been putting this off (hate it!!!) but my girls are snacking on Ramon Noodles and I am not sure how old the noodles are!!!). We have been eating out for 4 days (told you I HATE to go grocery shopping!) so...King Soopers and I have a lunch date! *sighy* (why can't I just put on some music and scrap today?? I have sooo many lo's to do and my babies will not starve to death and they do have tons of clothes to get them through the week! hmmmmm...) NO!!! I MUST do these things today!!! And...i am still tackling the bathroom and living room so...maybe today (teeeeheheheeeeeeeeeeeheeeeee...that is my evil don't bet on it laugh!!!). So I am off to "TACKLE" some things!
1/ organizing my scrap room
2/ cleaning out and giving my car a bath
3/ sending out some cards (just becuz cards)
4/ getting a monthly savings plan going (yuck!!)
5/ cleaning out the "junk room"
6/ getting the laundry caught up (washed, folded AND put away)
7/ maintenance in the downstairs bathroom
8/ organizing both hard and soft copies of my photo's
9/ getting my desk at work decorated
10/ planning a family dinner at my home (another just becuz)
pictures from a trip up to see the Aspen. It turned out to be a rainy and cloudy day (fall weather!!). They were still turning , *sighy*, we were so hoping this would be the year!!! We have been trying for 4 years to see them in their "FULL" splendor. We are there to soon or to late! Well...i think we are all starting to like the "chase". We did stop by our creek and that was a fun was to end the trip!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
You’ve won $100,000 – but have to give it all away. To which charity or institution would you donate it? I would give it to someplace that supports teenage girls (runaways, troubled, pregnant).
What do you think is the most soothing sound? The sound of rain!
Does time heal all wounds? Yes (only if we allow it to heal the wound)
Mondays a ....
Random Joy
1.Which category of Trivial Pursuit would you say you're most knowledgeable in? Movies
2.Did you go to your High School Prom? What was it like? No comment
3.If you were one of the five senses which would you be? Sight (i love to view everything!!)
4.Have you ever gone downhill skiing? No
5.What's your favourite kind of nut? Cashews!
Good question...
No...I would not change anything (well...when it comes to format, colors or design i would and must be that perfectionist in me...*sighy*). When I enter something it is what I am feeling or thinking at that time and why would i change it. No...the answer is no I do not wish i would change anything i have written.
I will say that I feel that I am sooooo new to blogging (I just went public a few days ago!!) and I am still learning about this "new world" (how to enter a header with a picture, show 4-5 photo's in one block, change the colors of my background but not the format!!!...*sighy*). It has been an exciting journey (looking at other blogs, talking with my baby girls about my blog...that is always a hoot!!!, spending "me" time on the computer, discovering the world is bigger than I thought) and I look forward to "mastering" the blog world....teeeehehehe (that perfectionist coming out!). I love the fact that there is a place to express myself and right or wrong, those expressions are mine (wait!!! why would they be wrong if they are mine...hmmmm something for me to ponder!!???). So in 3 years when I look back will I want to change things...well the perfectionist in me says YES! but the "real" me will look back and giggle and hopefully think..."Wow! you have come a long way!!!".
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Today is the first day of fall! favorite season! The time of year when God shows his Glory in the beautiful colors of nature! It is a time to watch the transition of nature! Mmmmmm. i LOVE it! I love the colors, the holidays, football season, warm foods, "snuggle" weather...they are all a part of my favorite season! And we are doubly blessed because we are able to see the Aspen turn and experience all the wonders of fall (Colorado experiences all 4 seasons and we love that!!).

Today we are going to be taking a drive up the mountains to see the Aspen turn. Our weather people are saying this is the weekend to do it!! Aspen are so finicky and I am sooooo hoping we will be able to them turning. We are also going to visit our creek on our way down! Good times!!! I can't wait to take pictures with my "newest" lense!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Share with us something you have recently created.
Friday, September 21, 2007
1. I think I might have been a little to forward (i might have been a little to blunt with a peer and i am not sure if they could handle it!!...but they did ask!!).
2. I desire to be able to celebrate my daughters graduation this Spring.
3. What if I lost my 150 lbs, how would i adjust to this?
4. The best thing about my family is the passion we have for life!
5. When will I be able to quite this job and open a halfway house for teenage girls???
6. The best thing that happened to me so far this week was coaching my first soccer game (wahoo!!).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing some praising on 2Peas, tomorrow my plans include SOCCER and Sunday, I want to to go watch the Aspen turn and visit our creek!
Five on Friday...
Under Pressure
1. What was your last blood pressure reading? *it was a little high in the stress area.*
2. Were you swayed by peer pressure as a teen? How does peer pressure influence you now? * Yes...i remember i had to have the latest and greatest fashions, partied at "the coolest" places, however, in areas that really mattered (sex, friendships, boyfriends, loyalty) i was my own person. As an adult it can be there...success, "being like the Jones" , but i don't bow to it often (hey...i am not perfect!!!). teeeehehehehe*
3. Do you perform better or worse when under pressure? *I perform 150% better under pressure (i know it is real sick!!!).*
4. How often do you have headaches? What do you do to relieve them? *Lately, I have been having them on a regular basis (every other day). If they are horrible I take 5 Tylenol, if it is a stress headache i try to do something different to take my mind off the stressful issue (notice i say try...)!!*
5. Vanilla Ice sampled Queen's Under Pressure to create his big hit, Ice Ice Baby without giving the original artist proper credit. Have you ever been in a situation where credit was due and not given? How did it make you feel? *Yes, and it was a horrible deflating feeling !!*
Thursday, September 20, 2007

2/ The BEAUTIFUL colors that nature provides
3/ Thanksgiving!
4/ Halloween!
5/ I get to bake more!!
6/ Chili, stews, menudo...yummy warm foods!!
7/ Sweaters...i love wearing them!!
8/ Getting to decorate the house if fun holiday decorations!!
9/ SOCCER!!!!!!
11/ Our annual trip to see the Aspen and our creek
12/ Bringing the warm blankets out to snuggle under (teeehehehe)
13/ Lot's of reason to get together with family!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
"make the bacon and cook it to" kind of woman
anyway...i am still going to work on "tackling" those projects this week.
I am also going to be working on 2 mini books and I would love to bake some cupcakes this week!!
WOW!!! I will feel like the "make the bacon and cook it to" kind of woman if I can do these things this week!!! teeehehehehe
Monday, September 17, 2007
3 big goals this week!!!.....
...stay away from scrapbook stores (including Michael's and HL)

...drink more water!!!
...exercise 3 times this week
Sunday, September 16, 2007
1/ i was able to complete 3 weekly challenges.
2/ i was able to watch my the Lions play their soccer game this week.
3/ i was able to complete 4 lo's this weekend!
4/ i was able to watch Gigi play soccer this week (different game than the Lions).
5/ i was able to spend some great time with my hunny bunny this week!
6/ The Lord spoke gave me peace this week and gave me assurance He is still working.
7/ i was able to spend some time on bills and get them organized!!!
Here are some pictures from the Italian Festival....
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Soccer Season has begun!!!!
Today was another day spent watching soccer!!! Wahoo!!! The Wolfpack won 7-1!!! Good Times!
Reggie and Gigi are at the after game party (hopefully they are enjoying themselves!). I am getting ready to get some rest before working (maybe I will be able to sneak some scrapbooking in while the house is empty...Boo is a Japanese Anime convention for the weekend). that I take a moment I am amazed at how quiet the house is....WOW!!! An afternoon alone (is only I wasn't so sleepy....).
Friday, September 14, 2007

1. I met him when we were in Jr. High and attending the same Sunday School/Church.
2. We dated 1.5 years before we got engaged (and we continue to "date).
3. I knew he was the one when I discovered you could fall in love with your best friend.
4. The thing I like best about him is his ability to get along with everyone and stand out in a crowd.
5. When he proposed (well...after 2 rejections it was not a proposal so much as it's now or never!).
6. The song we had at our wedding (I am not real sure...we were 20 and were married in a Vegas marriage chapel) .
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include a soccer game and a picnic and Sunday, I want to go to the Italian Festival!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
consequence definition
I know in life everything we do may have consequences. This is something that took me a long time to realize. Even today I don't always act with this in mind. It is a powerful thing to keep in the front (not the back) of my mind. Whatever I choose (yes, I believe we have choices and in deciding a path to take we have made a choice) to do will and does have a consequence. I deal with people everyday and it amazes me how often we will do something and when the consequences come from that action... it can blow them away. I hate consequences because many times they can be negative...pregnancy (no!!! i am not pregnant), a speeding ticket (no, I did not get a ticket), feelings hurt (every said something and you cannot take it back???), regrets the morning after, a loss of something...*sighy* consequences suck!!! I know we tell our girls be careful in your actions and remember if you make a decision (not to do homework, get to close to a pole) be prepared for the consequences. It is funny because that seems to be the word of the month in our family!!! teeeehehehe. I was a part of something today and it broke my heart. An action had been done and I had to act upon that. I hated it! I hated being part of the consequence. It was truly sad.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Yesterday caused many Americans to have unpleasant ones, so today the pherrets shall hunt for good ones!
Our word for the week is....
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
a few layouts from this weekend...
If you could "un-invent" one thing in the world so that it would no longer exist, what would you choose? If I could "un-invent" one thing it would be alcohol (liquor)! I think there are so many bad things that have come out of people getting "wasted" and I feel the world would be a better place without it.
Monday morning you usually waking up thinking: I start thinking about the things I have to accomplish this week. I also think about it being my "Sunday" and I have the night off!!! teeeehehehe...and last but not least...Who is playing tonight (football).
Do you find it easy to ask for help? Why or why not? is very very hard for me to ask for help!! I am a very prideful person and I feel people will look down on me for not being able to do something on my own (i know...tsk...tsk..tsk...). HOWEVER, I am learning to ask and put those "weak" thought out of my head (so far i am doing pretty good). I believe a person is that much more stronger if they are able to ask for help along the way...
Monday's a ______
Random Joy
1. Do you bruise easily? YES!!!! I never use to (i think it has to do with age...teeehehehe). All I have to do is touch something and I bruise! I hate it!!!
2. What does your name rhyme with? croquette (????)
3. If you could have any famous piece of art to display in your home, which would you choose? Bouquet of Sunflowers by Monet

4. What's the most inconvenient thing about the place you're currently living? Inconvenient...well there is nothing inconvenient but if you were to ask what I don't like I would have a few things...
5. What book are you reading right now? I am reading 3
romance novels" and 2 "self-help" books. I am loving all 5 of them!!! (they are spread out in my house and office so I cannot give you the exact title's)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
1/ my youngest I help to raise her (along with her father, grandparents, God, sister) I learn so much about myself!
2/ is so important
3/ forgiveness.....where would I be without it?
4/ laughter...teeeehehehehe
5/ my oldest....watching her enjoy her youth is such a high for me!!
6/ my hunny corny as this sounds....he completes me (he does!!!)
7/ Sunday mornings
busy weekend!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Inquiring Minds
This week's questions were created by Gillian, wannabe snoop and secret-monger.
1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their purse? That depends...are we talking about a woman or a man??? teeehehehe. I think what is in the refrigerator reveals more about a person.
2. When you visit someones home, what are you most interested in looking at? The was they have decorated their home!!!!
3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose? Ohhhh...this is good, kind of like do i choose to open Pandora's box???!!? hmmmm...if I were honest I would not want anyone "forced" to tell me the truth or reveal secrets. It would be my hope that everyone i truly care about is honest with me if not....well i guess i would rather not know (it's called trust).
4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it? was 100% a pure accident! *red faced* i would rather not say...
5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Yes, when i was younger. Of course it was top secret!!! I mean isn't that what diaries are for!!?!! I wrote about crushes and girls who were mean and ugly (in reality they were ok but the boys i liked liked them so to me they were ugly!!!) teeeeeehehehe...childhood!