Sunday, October 28, 2007


My Aunt passed away on Friday. It is a time to spend with family...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Fill In

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was my new digital camera.

2. This week I'm grateful for the good news I received from the Doctor's office.

3. Warm chocolate brownie sundae cake is the most delicious thing ever.

4. Scrapbooking inspires me.

5. I'm most happy when I
am with my family .

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are bumpy, new, uncertain and worth the journey!

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to resting , tomorrow my plans include getting a Halloween costume and Sunday, I want to watch the Rockies win!

Trick or Treat

Would you rather...

1: eat nothing but chocolate or go without chocolate for the rest of your life? if i was being realistic go without chocolate for the rest of my life *sighy* BUT if I could stay healthy I would have the chocolate for ever and ever!

2: stub your toe or get a paper cut? stub my toe

3: write the news or make the news? make the news

4: lose 10 pounds or gain 10 IQ points? gain 10 IQ points

5: wear a costume to work or wear normal clothes to a Halloween party? costume to work

Thursday, October 25, 2007

13 on Thursday

13 Reasons I LOVE sports...

1/ As a child I would watch football with my Dad and i have awesome memories of those times.
2/ It gives me a chance to yell and scream!!!

3/ My Dad challenged me to learn all of the football teams (first and last names) and would quiz me all the time.
4/ There is no
thing like being at a live game and cheering with the fans!
5/ Hot dogs and pretzels!!!
6/ I was the only girl who knew football stats and the boys loved "trying" to impress me with their knowledge (I never had the heart to tell them...but i usually knew more than them....t
7/ My husband loved football when we met so it gave us something to talk about!

8/ Lazy Sunday's watching football....
9/ Passing the love down to my girls (it is soooo fun to hear my oldest with Reggie, it reminds me of me and my Dad!).
10/ The anticipation on the win and the thrill of the victory!!
11/ The closeness my family feels when we are all watching a game o
r one of the girls playing soccer.
12/ The testosterone!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!
13/ The great jersey's and fun team "stuff" you can buy and wear!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Colorado Rockies 2007




where is it going? I wish I knew. One minute I am there in the moment, enjoying life, loving life and then BOOM! time seems to get impatient and off it runs. I try to catch it and most of the time I become short of breath and have to stop and catch it (if I don't time will definitely stop for me!!). As I bend over to breath I am a little relieved and it possible... a moment to catch my breath... is it possible... time slowed down also? NO! As I straighten up and look around I see that time has not stopped, not slowed down, in fact I am feeling like it wanted to punish me for stopping and ran ahead a few more feet!! DARN!!! Will I ever catch up? Will I ever get to the point that me and time are in sync? Or will I continue to chase it? Wishing I could be "in the moment"? Or..Do I stop and enjoy MY moment. Stop worrying about what time is doing (or not doing). Stop wishing I was quicker. STOP and ENJOY?? That sounds so easy but in reality, for someone like me, it is hard. BUT...the holidays are coming up and there is going to be so many things happening, and the only way I am going to enjoy them is to "be in the moment"...smell the, love and laugh and forget about TIME (after all, i do not think i am anywhere on it's mind...). *sighy* Yep...i think it is "time" to start enjoying life more...loving it more...and EXPERIENCE MY MOMENTS!! And they say...there is no TIME like the present (teeehehehehe).
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

2nd try...will it work???

ok...The Rockies announced they will be putting the World Series tickets on sale (again). They will go on sale at 12:00 today!!! *sighy* Here we go again!!! Time to get all set up to wait...and hopefully (keep your fingers and toes crossed!!) we will get some tickets!!! *sighy* 4 hours to wait and see.....
Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Today I am going to go where no man (or woman) has gone for months and months! My "junk room"! I am going to "tackle" part of it today (i would be out of my mind to say i would be able to tackle the whole thing today!...that is a 12 hours a day, 7 day job!!!). I will be so happy if I can get part of it done and make a list of how many bins I will need to put "stuff" into.

I also want to make sure my October tackle list have been completed (I want to go into November with all NEW tasks, the old ones completed). is to a productive day (teeehehehe...i also have to fit a little shopping in there....teeeehehehehe).

Monday, October 22, 2007


Would you be able to serve on a jury and sentence the defendant to the death penalty if he/she were found guilty of a crime that the court felt warranted the death penalty? YES, I believe I could serve on a jury that might warrant the death penalty.

Have you ever faked being ill to avoid doing something you didn’t want to do? *sighy* i would rather not answer on the grounds it could be held against me at a later date (teeehehehehe).

Would you state you were guilty of a crime you didn't commit to free a loved one? ohhhhh....good question and a hard one to answer...most of it would depend on them being guilty or innocent.
%^$#*@& ROCKIES tickets!!!

wow...we started trying for tickets this morning at 10:00 a.m. with everyone else! It is now 3:14 p.m. and still not tickets!! I have just read that the ticket sales have been suspended! 5 hours later they decide to suspend sales!! wow!! 8.5 million hits...that is how many hits the Rockies site took this morning and the system crashed! They were only to sell 500 tickets and all the other tickets are still available. Now we just have to wait to see how we can purchase them!! This is so frustrating but at the same time if we are able to get tickets it will be a sweet memory!! teeehehehehe (i know...but if i can't laugh about this what is the point???). So for now...we wait (and to think the World Series starts on Wednesday night!!!).

Sunday, October 21, 2007

wow!!! i had a very tense (white knuckles) drive home! it started when my team asked me to look outside and BOOM!! there was snow! We had been told there would be snow but i thought it would be "light flakes" and thought they would not come until this afternoon. Well...they were "huge flakes" and it was 7:00 am. YUCK!! i looked at my toes and was not happy (yes...i wore flip flops...after all it was in the high 70's yesterday!!). Well, i stepped into lots of water on they way to my van and my jeans and toes were cold and wet! I also had to grab some paper towels to clean off my car (i could not find my ice scraper!!!...could it be because it has been in the 70's and the sun has been shining and i have been able to wear flip flops...could that be why i did not think i needed to make sure i had my ice scraper????). hands were not cold and me feet were on their way to becoming "popscitoes"!! So...the car is cleaned off, it's warm and i am on my way home (my hunny bunny is going to be meeting me with breakfast when i get home....LOVE HIM!!) in the snow. was a mini blizzard!! The snow was coming down fast and furious and visibility was horrible!! I took it slow and steady and freaked every time a huge truck or 4WD came by (i hate when people drive like it is in the high 70"s and sunny...don't they know that was yesterday and today we are in a blizzard!!!?!). Anyway...i made it home and safe and last time i looked the snow was accumulating and it looks like we will be snuggling and enjoying the Bronco's play in the snow today!! Wahoo!!! ***i was able to take some pictures of my ride home and my freezing toes in October!***

This week I want to list 7 things I am anticipating....

1/ Christmas!! (i started my shopping this weekend!)
2/ Thanksgiving (i soooo love turkey day!)
3/ New Year's morning
4/ my test results from my 6 mnth follow up
5/ my daughters grades
6/ sunshine!! (it is snowing right now!!)
7/ spending some time scrapping (i have not been able to sit and play for a few weeks!)

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

I saw this quiz and had to take it. I soooo wanted to be Tigger!!! *sighy* it was not to be!! Instead I am rabbit *sighy*

Saturday, October 20, 2007

3 more layouts to add to my 2007 goal!!! The top one is of my oldest and my hunny bunny. The middle one is of my oldest on Homecoming (Senior year) and the bottom one was one of the pictures I took this summer when we were in Chicago ( that city!!).

Sugarland - Stay

ok...i LOVE this video and the song. I have asked myself a million times why??? I do not know!! i remember the first time i heard it. i was scrapbooking and i heard this song and i had to see who was singing it. well...when i started watching the video i just stared and was so enamored by it. she was so emotional and real and i so love that about people (realness gets to a good way!!). i know...the words are a little "iffy" (which one is SHE???), but...the ending is so powerful!! the wierd thing is i have never been in this situation, so again...why do i love this video????

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Fill-Ins

1. October is one of my favorite months!
2. Dark rooms with mirrors don't scare me!
3. Haunted houses remind me of the Haunted House at Disney World
4. My favorite scary movie is Alien because of the little creature turning into a big creature and that robot who would sweat plastic!
5. I love Halloween candy and it loves me.
6. It was a dark and stormy night and the house was pitch black and I could feel someone watching me... (ok...this is starting to scare me....teehehehehe).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to shopping, tomorrow my plans include decorating my house for Halloween and Sunday, I want to watch the Bronco's win (stop laughing...I have the right to dream!!)!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

13 of my "makes you feel warm and fuzzy" words...

2/ LOVE YOU (i know they are two words but they do not feel warm and fuzzy without eachother!!)
12/ DVR (teeehehehehehe)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tackle it Tuesday!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Today is going to be one of those days....*sighy*...I have lot's to do and no energy to do it (have you ever had one of those days!!!). I lost my energy somewhere between yesterday's "appointment" (still to angry to speak about it!!! grrrrrrr...) and last nights Rockies win! I thought it would be better this morning but I still have the "Energy Lost" poster out! we all know the show must go on so....I hope to tackle a few things this week...

* get into storage and get the holiday bins out (i need to decorate for Halloween!!!).
* LAUNDRY!!! I looked at this last night and just about fainted!!! I promise this was under control!! And then BAM!! BOOM!!! another HUGE pile!!! (I am starting to think that laundry has some he's and she's in the pile and they multiply when the lights go down!!!...I mean how else do you explain the way it grows!!!!)
* errands (yucko!!). My baby girl has a project and is running for student council so I need to get her some supplies!! So Hobby Lobby here is come (cha-ching, cha-ching)
* finish up my 45+ charms for a swap I am involved in!
* Down load all the soccer pictures I took last week and order prints!!!

WOW!!! I thought it would be a small list today (do you think there are some he's and she's in this list?????)!!! So now i am off to do some "tackling"!!!!!

WOW!! The Colorado Rockies are going to the World Series!!! WOW!! Who would have thought they would have won 21 out of 22 games! Incredible! Wahoo!! Colorado is so excited! This is the first time for us and t
o think we started this with a 90-73 season! And a wildcard team!!! Great Job Rockies!!! Get some rest 8 days!!!) and let's see what the World Series will bring!!!



Monday, October 15, 2007


If you could have a romance with any fictional character, who would it be?
*easy....Rhett Butler (Gone With the Wind) or Danny (Grease...but does that make me a sicko since he is in High School and I am a grown woman????? teeehehehe).

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what would you do?
*hmmm...i do not think i would want to be invisible, i like it better not knowing things and "wondering" what people are thinking and makes life much more fun that way!

If you could ask God any single question, what would it be?

MONDAY 'S A %^$&

When was the last time you...

1.Cleaned out your closet? ....5 years ago!!!!
2.Went to a concert? .....4th of JULY (2007)
3.Had a milkshake? .....a month ago ( favorite)
4.Got all dressed up? ......1.5 years ago (company dinner)
5.Went grocery shopping? ......2 weeks ago (what can I say...we eat out lots!!!)

Today is going to be one of those days that i will enjoy and at times is a day full of shopping (yipeee!! i plan on visiting some local scrapbooking i have not been to before!) and then i have my 6 month breast check up this afternoon!! YUCKO!!!

As I look back I am amazed at how fast the time went! I remember the sunny warm day I found out I would have to come back to make sure the spot they found did not grow. I remember thinking that I would not spend the next 6 months stressing. There was nothing I could do so live life and enjoy! I also remember thinking 6 months was a long time away...half a year...October. And now here it is...half a year later in October. *sighy* Where did the time go? Well, one thing I can say, it was not wasted stressing or being depressed on "what if's". That's good. this time tomorrow (I like to do this time tomorrow...) i will know have been in and the Doctor would have looked at my mammogram and we will know something. By this time tomorrow I will be real real happy or ...., well like Scarlett would say, I will think about that tomorrow. So, for now...breakfast with my baby girl and hunny bunny before we drop her off to school, some work around the house, visiting some local scrapbooking stores and shopping and then...a visit to show off my boobs (teeehehehehe)!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

2 Peas Challenge:

Blog about 5 things you want to do before your time is up.
Could be anything.

interesting question...5 things....hmmmmm....

1/ travel around the world!
2/ bungee jump!!!!
3/ own "my house"...the one near our creek in the mountains!
4/ catch up on my
5/ join the Mile High club (

7 things i am thankful about when it comes to my girls...

1/ they keep me young and "hip"!!!
2/ they make me laugh
3/ they allow me to be me and do not try to make me into June Cleaver
4/ they are two of my biggest fans!
5/ when i look into their eyes i see love and respect!
6/ they believe in family and traditions
7/ they did not laugh when i told them i became a blogger (teehehehehe)
8/ (i know i said 7 but i had to add this one!!)....they let me take pictures and rarely (notice i did not say never!) complain!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Next Week

Have you ever wanted a week to end??!! Well...this was one of those weeks where I wanted so much for it to end by Wednesday! Up until then it had been ok (soccer, Rockies, work...). However midweek was not so good! It was then i did my "sighy" and wished for the week to end! I wonder why we do this? "I sure hope this week ends fast" or "When will this week end?". I mean, it's not like the issues will magically end at 12:00 midnight on Friday night. Saturday does not have this "do over" stamp on it and life does not "restart". a way it does. To me, it is a start of a new week, a "refreshing" period, a "get out of jail and pass go" time...yes to me it is a "NEW" week, a new beginning and i like that! I like the "hope" that a new week can bring. I like the fact that "LAST" week is over. I know, this sounds so corney but it works for me (and I happen to like corney). So....I am excited about the new week, and yes, I am glad last week is over. It was a a "bitter sweet" week. There was so much sadness and so much joy in seeing my God work. It was incredible but eye opening. I learned lots and I would not trade it (well...maybe the door, the credit issue, my bird...*sighy*), no i would not trade it because it brought me to this moment and this gratitude. BUT...that still does not make it wrong to be glad it is over (the week) and the start of my new week is on the horizon (I really start my new week on Sunday because of my days off). *sighy* i week is going to have some moments (my 6 month check up mammogram is on Monday) but it still does not stop me from anticipating it! Will it be a good week? Will it hold joy or sadness? Will I end the week happy? Concerned? Excited? ...Hmmmm...that's one of the things I love about new weeks...the anticipation!!! So....come on next week...let's see what you are going to hold!!

Friday, October 12, 2007


I'm a Winner

1. Do you feel that you are you a lucky person? No, I feel I am a BLESSED person!

2. Have you ever won a contest, sweepstakes, or raffle? YES.

3. In your opinion, what constitutes a good prize? Something I or my family will be able to enjoy.

4. How often do you enter your name into sweepstakes or raffle drawings? It is very very rare that I will do this.

5. What is the best thing you have ever won? (prize, award, recognition, etc.) A blue ribbon for hurdles in junior high!!!


1. Once upon a time I wanted to be a lawyer in California who was rich single and famous.
2. Watching the game, screaming and cheering for the Bronco's.
3 I have never tried white tea and ginger.
4. Way down under where the crawfish swim (or something like's a country song by Alan Jackson).
5. Keys to the front door; locks to keep thieves out.
6. Have you seen my husbands eyes? They're so incredibly sexy!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to making a yummy dinner for the family, tomorrow my plans include going to the Scarecrow festival and Sunday, I want to catch up on some DVR recording with my baby girl!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 things that make me sad at this stage in my life...

1/ someone throwing a rock at our patio window and shattering it into a million pieces.
2/ someone trying to charge something to me!
3/ my birdie passed away
4/ people who have no compassion for others
5/ people who call a business and curse and yell at the person on the other line (why would they treat a stranger who is trying to help them like that??)
6/ closing a chapter in the book of life
7/ that "time" of the month (very emotional time!!)
8/ my babies...they are growing up so fast!!
9/ parents who abuse their children
10/ people who "gossip" and speak cruel about others
11/ people who take advantage of others
12/ someone who has no joy in their life (this is very sad!)
13/ the news (there does not seem to be anything happy anymore!!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2Peas Today's Challenge~
So you get a monthly kit? If so what do you like about getting a monthly kit

I receive 5 kits a month!!! I love each of them and the reason i love kits is because i am able to get some incredible things that i cannot find in my local stores. I also get things that match and that is awesome because it takes all the guess work out of matching things! I also love one of my kits because it does EVERYTHING for me! All i have to do is follow the directions and add the pictures! This is WONDERFUL when i am in a slump but want to scrap!!! I also love the anticipation of seeing big boxes in my mail and wondering what goodies are inside this month!! Yep...i LOVE my kits!!!!

Welcome to another Wednesday, all of you pherrets out there!
The hunt is on...

October is here and this color seems to be popping up everywhere
you look.

Our word for the week is:


Monday, October 8, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

i want to tackle some things i have been putting off.... I need to run lots of errands (i love to drive but i hate errands! they are time consuming and boring!!! a waste of time!) that i have been putting off...picking up film, getting my new lense (it has been on hold for over a week), looking at some places for Christmas presents (wow!! did i say Christmas~~~that is crazy!), pay some bills that do not let you pay online (yes, there are two places that do not take online payments, and i hate to mail them in!!). So i will be spending some time in my car today!!!
i also need to get a grip on my mail (i know that sounds weird but do you know how fast that stuff piles up!! I need to sort it and then shred the stuff that needs shredded (*sighy*).
i would also like to finish the 4 double lo's i started last week (that would be awesome!!).
so here is to hoping i can tackle these 3 areas and be successful!!!
2 Peas Today's challenge~
Share with us one technique you find your self using on layouts over and over again....

I LOVE to ink my pages (i cannot tell you how many shirts i have ruined because i get so involved with the goes everywhere!!). I have to stop myself from inking EVERYTHING!!!

speaking of ink, i went to the Scrap Expo on Saturday and they had a vendor who sold so many vintage items (including 7 Gypsies). She had over 50 colors in stamping inks and sprays (I did not know about sprays!!). I tell you i was in heaven. It was fun to look at everything and see all the wonderful ideas! Anyway...she had the cutes vintage stickers, papers and door knobs for books!!! It was awesome. I was disappointed
with most of the EXPO, but this vendor made up for it!!!

Random Joy

1. What's your favourite tv talk show? I use to love OPRAH, however, I am really not into talk shows right now.
2. Do you like crackers in your soup? YES! I love to add "crunchy" things to my soups!
3. How much does money motivate you? WOW!!! That is a tricky one...if i say not much that would be a lie and if i said lots it makes me sound greedy??? hmmmmm...what to say...
4. Do you have a garden? (For bonus points: Is it a secret? :P) No secret garden here (teeehehehehe). I do have a garden...of weeds!!! *sighy* i would love to have a beautiful one but it is time consuming and i don't have the time right now.
5. Do you enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc.)? Does your family have any other food-related traditions for this season? YES!!! We are a traditional family and love all the traditional foods (yummy!!). We do have a tradition that occurs in the fall....we make menudo on Halloween!!! yummy for the tummy!!!


Which month of the year do you think best describes your personality? I would have to say AUGUST...sunny, the month most people have fun and take vacations with family, the month we go back to school and start learning (so i guess you can say i am a sunny, fun loving, family oriented person who loves to learn!!! teeehehehe)

If you could have had the starring role in an existing movie, which movie would you pick? GONE WITH THE WIND or GREASE (it's a tie!!!)

Are you attracted to people whose personalities are very similar to your personality or very different? I would have to say the husband and i are like polar opposites in so many areas...however the ones i believe the most in (family values, marriage, religion) we agree on!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry MUSIC VIDEO

ok...2 things...1st, this is my first attempt at video's to my blog (ok it took a week and 1 hour today to accomplish this! you can't say i am a quitter!) I LOVE IT!!!! 2nd, when i heard this song i fell in love with it (it must be something about not crying, not taking it personal and having things to figure out!!!). teeeehehehe...if you do not like Fergie you can close your eyes and enjoy the music!!!

Blessings this week...
1/ Good Health
2/ Gigi is eligible!!!
3/ Boo was able to make a huge decision regarding the job she just received
4/ A nice warm home on cold days!
5/ Being able to coach Reggie's soccer team
6/ Watching Gigi grow as a person (soccer, competition, making decisions)
7/ My hunny bunny

Saturday, October 6, 2007

ok...i am exhausted but i have soooo much to accomplish today!! First I have to wake myself up (no sleep since I came home from work and only 5+ hours yesterday so I am a "little" tired! *yawn* After I wake up I am going to a Scrapbooking Expo. I am hoping there will be lots and lots of fun things but...well who knows!!! I would like to find some doodle tracers and some cute mini books would be fun! After the Expo I will come home and get ready to coach Reggie's high school team (this will be my third time and well....that's a whole blog in itself!!!). I am keeping my fingers crossed I will have at least 15 kids!! *yawn* We will probably go to eat at Senor Rics (it's Saturday!!) and then come home to rest and watch the Rockies play! Go Rockies!!! *yawn!*. I will then be able to sleep!!! Ohhhh...that sounds so goo right now!!! *yawn* So here is to a long long and hopefully fun and winning day!!!! teeehehehehe...sorry hunny bunny but if that means you have to loose remember I love you!!! teeehehehe

Friday, October 5, 2007

2Peas Challenge for today~
What are you scrapping plans for the weekend?
This weekend I am looking forward to going to a Scrapbooking Expo! Hopefully I will not spend lots of money!!! (keep you fingers crossed with me that i will be good!). I also plan on working on my goal for 2007 (207 layouts). I also have a few challenges that i need to finish!!! FUN plans this weekend and they involve the S word (scrapbooking and soccer!!)

Color Your World

1. What is your favorite color? black!

2. What colors do you like to decorate with? REDS, BLUE'S AND MORE RED

3. Is there a color that you absolutely hate? PUKE GREEN

4. Which colors look best on you? RED AND BLACK

5. Which colors do you wear most often? BLACK AND BLUE (NO I DO NOT MEAN BRUISES...TEEEEEHEHEHEHE!)


1. If I were a tree I would be an oak tree because they grow strong and big over the years
2. If I were a bird I would fly over the entire world!!!!
3. If I were a book I hope I would be able to take you away from "real" life for a few hours and bring you lots and lots of enjoyment!
4. If I were a car I would be a bright yellow hummer with all the "goodies"!!!
5. If I could get rid of one piece of technology it would definitely be those things that allow hackers into our lives because they can steal identities, money and anything else they desire!
6. If I could get rid of one bad habit at a snap of the fingers it would be my rush to judgement!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching my daughter play soccer, tomorrow my plans include more soccer and some scrapbooking and Sunday, I want to do some more scrapbooking and go to the Rapids Soccer game!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday Thirteen...

13 people who have "influenced" me

1/ mom
2/ dad
3/ zeke
4/ grandma ruiz
5/ aunt mary
6/ uncle pete
7/ reggie
8/ david
9/ uncle alex
10/ my 12th grade English teacher (ouch...not remembering her name right now)
11/ sister chris
12/ peggy
13/ sister and brother north

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Fall Book Challenge update...

Becoming a Person of Influence....John C Maxwell and Jim

I have been reading this book for a week and i am really enjoying it! I thought it would be ok but it is better than ok! It talks about the importance of being someone who can influence another person. It also gives little "life lessons" and some great quotes from people who have influenced others. I read this book on my breaks or lunch at work at it is amazing how fast time flies when you are reading something with lots of "meat". Yummy!

It gives you ways to apply what you have read at the end of each chapter (I am not sure what the exact word is...). The first chapter had something that was incredible for me! It suggested we do 2 things daily we do not want to do before we do something we want to do! wow! what a concept. I came home and I have been doing this for a week and I have to say it really works! I am able to enjoy the "want" so much more because i was able to do two of the
"need" things first! There is nothing like sitting down to blog knowing you washed some dishes and put a load of laundry it!!! I do this when I want to watch something on DVR, scrapbook a page, read...

This in itself has been work picking up this book to read!!! I hope to change my behaviors and add this to my daily lifestyle (I'll update in a month on how this is going...). I cannot wait to see what other "nuggets" are in this book! I have also started the
Encyclopedia of and Ordinary Life.......Amy Krouse Rosenthal. (Iffy right now on what to think...that timeline is killing me!!! teehehehehe!)
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

2 Peas challenge: When doing a lo do you choose to mat or not mat your photo's?

Well...I am one of those people that can go both ways. HOWEVER...I love to mat most of my pictures. I feel like the picture is naked without a little covering (teeehehehehe). It just seems to give it a more "finished" look. Below are a few lo's i have done recently and you can see that i can go both ways (it just depends on what the lo is calling for...).

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

i am going to tackle my kitchen! I want to be able to have it cleaned and ready to decorate in Halloween stuff (love that holiday!). I also want to clean the rugs and mop the floor. I also need to get the pantry cleared out (i believe we have some stuff from 1999 in there!!!!). Washing my curtains is also included in this "tackle"! Wow, I have my work cut out for me!!

*update* teeehehehehehe, it took a little longer than I thought but i was able to get my living room and upstairs bathroom cleaned (I will post before and after pics later). I feel so good about that! I also caught up with all the laundry and it is now up off my reading chair (huge accomplishment!!). I also organized my baby girls clothes! AND!!! i did all this before OCT 1st, which was my goal!!! Wahoo!!!!

I am so excited because this means as of today I am caught up with all my "tackle projects!!!" Wahoo!!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

This was taken when we were in Estes Park for our 20th anniversary. I love taking pictures of out feet!!! teeehehehe
My baby girl (i was practicing with my camera and took her on a "photo shoot"
Mondays a %*&^

Random Joy

1. What are your thoughts on sites like Facebook/Myspace/Friendster etc.?
I do not visit them but my daughters do and they are hooked! My baby girl can spend hours on Myspace.
2. What was the last play you saw? It was last Christmas and I do not remember the name (my daughters school put it on).
3. What's your opinion on the vegan lifestyle? ????????
4. If you were to give your current home a name, what would it be? CASA DE BURGESS
5. How do you like your eggs? over easy (but they do not like me so i have to get them scrambled or with a hard yoke).

Manic Monday

If technology was sufficiently advanced, would you be willing to clone yourself? NO!!!!! I could not imagine 2 of me walking around!!!

At the local grocery store you see an elderly woman shoplift a chicken. Do you tell the management? I would like to say I would be a great citizen and do my civic duty but...i don't think i would say anything *sighy*

If you could be 8 years old again for an entire day, knowing what you know now, how would you spend it? I would play all day, watch tv, eat junk food and play some more!!!