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wow!!! i had a very tense (white knuckles) drive home! it started when my team asked me to look outside and BOOM!! there was snow! We had been told there
would be snow but i thought it would be "light flakes" and thought they would not come until this afternoon. Well...they were "huge flakes" and it was 7:00 am. YUCK!! i looked at my toes and was not happy (yes...i wore flip flops...after all it was in the high 70's yesterday!!). Well, i stepped into lots of water on they way to my van and my jeans and toes were cold and wet! I also had to grab some paper towels to clean off my car (i could not find my ice scraper!!!...could it be because it has been in t
he 70's and the sun has been shining and i have been able to wear flip flops...could that be why i did not think i needed to make sure i had my ice scraper????). hands were not cold and me feet were on their way to becoming "popscitoes"!! So...the car is cleaned off, it's warm and i am on my way home (my hunny bunny is going to be meeting me with breakfast when i get home....LOVE HIM!!) in the snow. was a mini blizzard!! The snow was coming down fast and furious and visibility was horrible!! I took it slo
w and steady and freaked every time a huge truck or 4WD came by (i hate when people drive like it is in the high 70"s and sunny...don't they know that was yesterday and today we are in a blizzard!!!?!). Anyway...i made it home and safe and last time i looked the snow was accumulating and it looks like we will be snuggling and enjoying the Bronco's play in the snow today!! Wahoo!!! ***i was able to take some pictures of my ride home and my freezing toes in October!***
Oh my goodness and I thought the weather in Kentucky changed quickly! Updated my blog about driving through Tornadoes and you're driving through blizzards--crazy!
LOL!! We had something similar here - it was 65 and sunny yesterday, and today it's 28 and snowing...
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