Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Fill In

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was my new digital camera.

2. This week I'm grateful for the good news I received from the Doctor's office.

3. Warm chocolate brownie sundae cake is the most delicious thing ever.

4. Scrapbooking inspires me.

5. I'm most happy when I
am with my family .

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are bumpy, new, uncertain and worth the journey!

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to resting , tomorrow my plans include getting a Halloween costume and Sunday, I want to watch the Rockies win!

Trick or Treat

Would you rather...

1: eat nothing but chocolate or go without chocolate for the rest of your life? if i was being realistic go without chocolate for the rest of my life *sighy* BUT if I could stay healthy I would have the chocolate for ever and ever!

2: stub your toe or get a paper cut? stub my toe

3: write the news or make the news? make the news

4: lose 10 pounds or gain 10 IQ points? gain 10 IQ points

5: wear a costume to work or wear normal clothes to a Halloween party? costume to work

1 comment:

Janet said...

Oooh a new camera! What fun! Thanks for playing and have a great weekend :-)