13 Reasons I LOVE sports...
1/ As a child I would watch football with my Dad and i have awesome memories of those times.
2/ It gives me a chance to yell and scream!!!

3/ My Dad challenged me to learn all of the football teams (first and last names) and would quiz me all the time.
4/ There is nothing like being at a live game and cheering with the fans!
5/ Hot dogs and pretzels!!!
6/ I was the only girl who knew football stats and the boys loved "trying" to impress me with their knowledge (I never had the heart to tell them...but i usually knew more than them....t

7/ My husband loved football when we met so it gave us something to talk about!
8/ Lazy Sunday's watching football....
9/ Passing the love down to my girls (it is soooo fun to hear my oldest with Reggie, it reminds me of me and my Dad!).
10/ The anticipation on the win and the thrill of the victory!!
11/ The closeness my family feels when we are all watching a game o

12/ The testosterone!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!
13/ The great jersey's and fun team "stuff" you can buy and wear!!!!
Great thing to share with your father, husband, and children.
For us it is NASCAR, and the Packers.
what a neat list..Sounds like you had some great memories
Happy TT! My husband's actually not that into sports, but my parents LOVEEE baseball, so it's a family thing for us to all go to a game or two each year =)
Happy TT!
What a great post! I have only become a football fan over the past ten years. But, my husband's childhood memories are surrounding certain football games. It's funny how games are the "landmarks" for him growing up. It's actually kind of scary how he remembers all the details.
(Mama Pajama http://www.thrivingat30.typepad.com)
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