Monday, October 8, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

i want to tackle some things i have been putting off.... I need to run lots of errands (i love to drive but i hate errands! they are time consuming and boring!!! a waste of time!) that i have been putting off...picking up film, getting my new lense (it has been on hold for over a week), looking at some places for Christmas presents (wow!! did i say Christmas~~~that is crazy!), pay some bills that do not let you pay online (yes, there are two places that do not take online payments, and i hate to mail them in!!). So i will be spending some time in my car today!!!
i also need to get a grip on my mail (i know that sounds weird but do you know how fast that stuff piles up!! I need to sort it and then shred the stuff that needs shredded (*sighy*).
i would also like to finish the 4 double lo's i started last week (that would be awesome!!).
so here is to hoping i can tackle these 3 areas and be successful!!!


Unknown said...

Good luck on your tasks. Did you get them all completed?

My tackle is up ... come see!

Karen said...

Good luck on your tasks. I like to drive too, but hate the parking lots/parking/hassle of errands!
I tackled my mail problem today. :)

Shirley Fyfe said...

Good luck on getting through your list of tasks! One thing about them though - once you get them done, you'll feel like you accomplished so much! Good luck!


renee said...

Sounds like you had a busy day!