Thursday Thirteen
13 things that make me sad at this stage in my life...
1/ someone throwing a rock at our patio window and shattering it into a million pieces.
2/ someone trying to charge something to me!
3/ my birdie passed away
4/ people who have no compassion for others
5/ people who call a business and curse and yell at the person on the other line (why would they treat a stranger who is trying to help them like that??)
6/ closing a chapter in the book of life
7/ that "time" of the month (very emotional time!!)
8/ my babies...they are growing up so fast!!
9/ parents who abuse their children
10/ people who "gossip" and speak cruel about others
11/ people who take advantage of others
12/ someone who has no joy in their life (this is very sad!)
13/ the news (there does not seem to be anything happy anymore!!)
Some kinda planner loooove
8 years ago
great post.
my 13 is up on Working at Home Mom
I agree, people should be nicer in general. There is no point walking around like a grump all the time. Life is much better if you go through it happy.
Happy TT!
I have to tell not be sad that your babies are growing up, but revel in the joy that is to come.
My boys are 2 and 4, and they're learning something new everyday. Yes, I'm wistful for their 'baby' days, but I love watching their independence blossom.
My TT's up as well!
Hope next week is better... :(
I agree many of these things make me sad too.
Happy TTing!
Chin up! :) For every one thing you listed, there must a happy thing, too. Great list. Makes me think. ~~Morgan
Do not despair.
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