Monday, May 19, 2008

Wow!!! what a month!!! I am still trying to catch up and I don't think I will win!! I am exhausted and wish everything would slow down but...*sigh*. I don't even have time to sit and catch up!!! However I must say I am sooooo proud to announce my baby girl GRADUATED!!! wahoo!!! We are so proud of her and excited!! It was a beautiful graduation and her speech was wonderful!!! More on it later...with pictures. We have also been going to parties and it will not end for another 2 weeks!!! wow!!! and to top it off I am in training all week and working days!!! (AAAUUGGHHH!!! I am actually seeing the sun and rush hour!!!!). well...more later! (i am off to download some pictures!!)

Monday, May 12, 2008

wow...time is sure flying!!! I thought I would check in but wow!! so much going on...between Gigi's graduation and the party and the holidays in between life has been hectic!!! and you add work and life in there and you begin to wonder...when will i have time to breathe!!! WOW!! lot's to do this week for Saturday!! Ohhh we are wondering about a pig for the luau! (more on that later...). I guess it is good to be busy because it does not leave much time to ponder my baby and how fast she is growing up.... *sighy*
Mom's day went real well...i am truly blessed to be a mother of 2 incredible daughters!! We were also able to visit and that is always a good!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

we went to church today and have spent the rest of the day resting. It was a busy weekend! Gigi had her "prom" and we all went to dinner at Pappadeux...a yummy "Cajun: restaurant. The theme for the high school was "Mardi Gras" so the dinner place was appropriate! I know I am a little biased...but my baby girl was gorgeous!!! She was hesitant about her dress but in the end she loved it and it went real well with the theme.
Hunny bunny is still sick, and the three of us are still recovering and coughing up a storm (you should see all the "mocho" rags we have around the house!! Yucko!!
2 more weeks until graduation and lots to do....but the sad thing is it will be here and gone before we know it!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

wow!! it has been awhile and boy have we been busy!!! Last weekend was out couples retreat and it was at Winter Park. It was an incredible and beautiful weekend. glad we went. It was a little awkward leaving the girls on their own..i made sure to call them on a regular basis but I am so glad we decided to go. I was so thrilled to spend a few days with my hunny stress...nothing but him and I, together, enjoying eachother. It was great!!! We did some exercises together and learned some new things about eachother...who would have thought 21 years later and we are still l earning. Awesome!!
there was one bad thing...i had "altitude" sickness! Physically i was worn out and had a hard time breathing...i don't think it helped that i was recovering when i went up
there! But wow!!! My hunny bunny was incredible and took care of me!! He was sooo loving and considerate! We did leave a few hours earlier than planned on Sunday morning because of me...but in the end we decided it was worth it because i had this horrible, brought me to my knees coughing spell and we don't think I would have been able to breathe and cough for 15 minutes straight in the mountains. Whew!!! it was bad!
however...i will take the uncomfortable physical part for the enriched couple part any day!! teeehehehehe. There was some exciting things I learned and I need to chew on them so
me more before I express my thoughts (who ever said exciting was good???? tehehehehe). I think we both learned some things and it was wonderful to see hunny bunny working on a few things i said would "energize" me this weekend. He was not feeling good but he still did them...aaaaawwwhhhh. i soooo love him!!! it was also good to put my marriage on the top! i know that is one of my 2008 resolutions and it feels good to work on it!!!


*this week i am in some intensive training and boy is it wiping me out!!! whew!!
*was able to go get my 6mnth check up on the "puppies". Just waiting for the results.
*Gigi's graduation announcements came in (whew!!!) i just need to order her pictures!
*Gigi's prom dress came in!!! (double whew!!)
*Boo is still sick and I feel for her (I am trying to not be detached...more on that later...)
*i am managing 2!!

soooo. i am off to do some domestic stuff and later see who goes home on DWTS and AI (I hope it is the chick who cries and whines all the time on dancing and sorry but Brooke has to go on AI...). I know we are late but that is the beauty of DVR's!!!!!