Friday, March 30, 2007

rain, hail mail passes and the sun!

wow!! what a crazy messed up week this has been!!! I think I know what a pretzel must feel like...all twisted and torn apart! I would love to say "the sun will come out tomorrow" but I just aint' feeling it. I want it to rain and storm and rain some would match life right now and maybe standing in the rain would wash some of this stress away! I know...this to will pass...but darn does it have to be a hail mary pass that goes on and on and on???? Let's throw a short pass and be done with it already!!! hehehe. I know...*happy thoughts**

Thursday, March 29, 2007

lots going on lately so not doing lots of writing. it is amazing how one can shut down when the mind is being stressed out....

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yucky, gross, nasty!!! I have going in for a PAP! HATE IT!!! I know I must and I will but that does not mean I can't hate it. This will be my first year doing a mammogram *sigh...age is catching up*. I hear they are painful and very uncomfortable! Well...time will tell. I always worry what the outcome will be and this time is no different. *happy thoughts, that's what i will focus on*

Friday, March 23, 2007

American Idol!!


1. Have you been sucked in by American Idol?

YES, YES and YES!!! (so has my family!!!)

2. Do you own any albums or songs by former American Idol contestants?

Yes, Yes and Yes! We own all the AI CD's as well as CD's from Kelly, Chris, Fantasia, Taylor, Carrie, Ruben, Clay (we even have his Christmas one!!) and there are more but I am not remembering them right now...

3. What kinds of contestants do you find yourself rooting for? Who is your favorite this year? Who do you think will win?

The one's that can sing and are "fun" to watch. Blake, Chris, Lakisha and Jordan. hmmmmm...not sure yet!

4. Which do you enjoy most: the auditions or the finals?

It is fun to watch the auditions, however, I enjoy watching the finals more!

5. If the American Idol auditions came to a city near you, would you go? Why?

Yes, I would go...with my daughter! hehehehe...I can't sing!!!! (sniff...sniff)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thirteen States I have visited

1/ California
2/ New York
3/New Mexico
6/ Florida
7/ Kansas
8/ Rhode Island
9/ Arizona
10/ Maine
11/ Nevada
12/ Virginia
13/ Georgia

Monday, March 19, 2007

manic monday!!!

Imagine you are on a first date and the person you are with has food stuck in his/her teeth. Would you tell him/her? What if he/she had food on their chin, nose or shirt? If I was on the first date I would not tell them they had food stuck in their teeth (shame on me!!!). If they had something on their face I would tell them there was something there. Shirt????? Ouch...I don't think I would tell them (shame on me again!!).

What breakfast cereal best describes your personality?
Grape nuts!!! (I know that sounds weird but it sure is better that Raisin Bran!!!!)

Who would you most like to have a dream about tonight? What would you like to dream?
Hmmmm....who???? Well....hmmmmm....if there is a slight chance my husband would ever read this I would have to say him (wink...wink). I would like to dream about a fun day in my childhood (those are always happy dreams!!).

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!! I love this day because you get to wear green and pinch anyone who does not have green! I remember when I was young I would make sure to wear anything and everything green and boy was I a "looky loo" on that date~ I was watchin and waitin to pinch someone. hehehe...ahhhh the days of youth (hehehehhehehehe). I also remember as a teenager I would wear green underwear and when the guys went to pinch me I would let them know I had green panties on so they could not pinch me! I loved the look they would get...hehehehhee. Boy...I hope my girls never read this??????????

Today I made goody bags for my team and passed them out (I had to include a little St. Patrick's day rubber ducky!" There was a celebration at work and it was great fun watchin the Irish Dancers. I was hoping to make some some yummy Irish food but alas...i did not. Maybe next year *sigh*.

How sweet...Reggie had some gifts for me today (me hugging you real tight right now!!)...

I 100% LOVE the movie GREASE!!! (Grease 2 was ok, but GREASE rocks!!!). I love the little leather jacket that holds the Grease movie!!! And the little animals are adorable (he bought those for my desk!!). And who does not love Sponge Bob????? Good times!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Five on Friday

Soup to Nuts

1. Are you a fan of soup?
Yes, but not a Super Fan...

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Tortilla Soup (yummy)

3. Are you a fan of nuts?
The kind you eat or the kind that make you laugh...hehehe! Yes!!

4. What is your favorite kind of nut or dish containing nuts?
I love love love cashews!!

5. If you had to eliminate either soup or nuts from your diet for the rest of your life, which would you choose?


Friday's Feast

Appetizer: Name two things that made you smile this week.

Soup: Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when someone follows you so close you cannot see their headlight and when you move so they can pass you they slow down!?

Salad: When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?
sleepy Tylenol!!! If Tylenol is not available my hunny know just the right thing to do to put me to sleep...hehehe.

Main Course: What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?
Why someone would look you in straight in the eye and lie!!!

Dessert :What is your favorite pasta dish? Spaghetti with my Dad's famous sauce and Italian sausage!!! mmmmmmm.....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

thursday thirteen

thirteen foods I could live without...

1/ lamb
2/ hummus
3/ cabbage
4/ zucchini
5/ okra
6/ liver
7/ asparagus
8/ anchovies
9/ artichokes
10/ Canadian ham
11/ split pea soup
12/ pig tails
13/ oysters

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Yucky on Tuesday!

Today is Tuesday and I am feeling yucky!!! Yuck!!!! My nose is running and me head is screaming and I cannot breath!!!! I am sneezing and it feels better to stick Kleenex in my nose to stop the dripping! Yuck!!! I think it is worse because the sun is shining and it is so beautiful outside and I am stuck in here....feeling yucky!!! Ohhh...I think I am going to go snuggle under the covers and sleep...ohhh I hope I feel better tomorrow!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Reggie's Birthday

Happy Birthday Babe!!!!! Today we celebrate the Reggie's birthday! It is truly a holiday (i mean where would i be if he was not born those years and years and years ago???!!) and we celebrated with style!!! hehehee

Reggie wanted to see a movie and decided upon Wild Hogs. Reggie wanted to see a movie and decided upon Wild Hogs. We went to see the movie and bam! right in the middle of the movie it stopped! We waited for awhile and nothing happened. Several people left and still we waited (Reggie was loving this movie and wanted to finish watching it...and it was his birthday!). Someone finally came in and told us the power was out and we could get another ticket and come back at a different time. Reggie was so disappointed! Up until the point it stopped (they had entered the town and were in the restaurant!) the movie was really funny. Well...we will have to wait and see what happened! Poor Reggie, we really felt bad for him!

His dinner went great! He picked one of his favorite restaurants....

Friday, March 9, 2007

Think Spring!
1. How do you celebrate the arrival of Spring?

I love to buy fresh flowers and put them on my desk (bring Spring to work with me). I also have to buy some new flip flops and wear them!!!!

2. What other holidays and events do you celebrate or mark in the spring?

Easter! We love this holiday.

3. Do you have an interesting traditions that take place during this time of year?, we are like millions of other people, for Easter we have a family dinner, hunt for eggs, get Easter baskets and eat chocolate bunnies.

4. What colors and imagery do you associate with spring?

Soft pastel colors remind me of spring. Baby chicks and tulips always remind me of Spring.

5. What are you most looking forward to about spring?

no snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Today was one of those days when someone said something that really bothered me (ok it pissed me off!!!!). I had a wonderful day and then bam! boom! the comment was said! I really had to take some time to "process" the statement and then I had to run it by my husband. After a few hours of "processing" I was able to let the statement go. I was able to walk away from it and not "own" it. I did not agree with it so what good was it going to do me to continue to think about it. talk about freedom! It was so wonderful to "process" and then dump the "junk". Love it!!!!
I must say this did teach me something (don't you love it when you can learn something!!!). Be careful of what you say/communicate to others!!! Reread you emails and if you have any questions about how something can be "received" don't send it! Rewrite it (there are hundreds of thousands of ways to say something and I am sure if we take the time we can say something without it sounding bad) and then if you are still unsure ask someone to read it and get feedback. Only when you have done all this should you send it!! O.k....enough of the soapbox...

Sunday, March 4, 2007

I love Sundays. Currently it is my "Saturday" so it is a day without work!!! It's a day when the whole family is together and we can enjoy being together. This morning we went to church and boy was the message awesome!!! My husband and I have this joke about getting "meat". Well...this morning there was meat!!! I love it when we can come away from a message with something to think about and something that challenges us. We have been hearing about being in alignment with God (deep stuff). Being so close to what he wants that we no longer see our self but God. "Preacher" (that is my name for our Pastor because every time I say his name I pronounce it wrong!!!) has been a blessing to out family and we can't wait for next week!!!

Friday, March 2, 2007


Cake Walk

1. At your next birthday celebration you can have any flavor, shape, size, and style of cake you want. What do you choose? (bonus: post a photo or link to a photo of your ideal birthday cake)

****SEE THE MARVELOUS CAKE ON TOP!!! That would be a great cake to have on my birthday****

2. For friends and loved ones: do you buy a birthday cake or bake one for them?

***I would love to make cakes (my mother made all my daughters cakes when they were young and I thought that was awesome!) however, I order my cakes.***

3. Do you prefer sumptuous flavor or incredible decorations?

***Incredible decorations (I can have great food anytime but the decorations are only for special occasions!***

4. What interesting cake, frosting, and filling combination would you most love to try?

***Chocolate fudge cake with a creamy chocolate and pecans filling. Yummy***

5. Tell us about a school subject or hobby that is a "cake walk" for you.

***hahaha...I have to work at everything! The only cake walk I get is walking to the refrigerator to get a piece of cake!!! hehehe...***