Friday, May 15, 2009


This week, I chose quotes having to do with always when I do this, feel free to fill-in whatever you'd like; it's more fun that way! Of course, if you know the quote, feel free to fill that in, too! The quotes will be on my blog, should anyone want to see what they are. we go!

1. If we had no winter i would never get to catch snowflakes on my tongue.

2. Life is a perpetual astonishment.

3. If I had my life to live over I would not frown so much when i was younger (I am sooo hating the frown lines right now!!).

4. I am trying to figure out what the following is attached to.... inside of four and twenty hours.

5. If you've never been thrilled by a quick 7 floor drop you don't know what you have been missing.

6. To be interested in the changing seasons is to enjoy life to the fullest.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on some DVR programs, tomorrow my plans include 2 graduation parties and a church event and Sunday, I want to relax but have another graduation party to attend.

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