Monday, February 9, 2009

random thoughts...

* why is monday such a hard day to get through?
* why are the puppies taking up so much of my time?
* who's idea was it to get 2 puppies at once? hmmmmm...mine?
* why? why? why?
* the Lord is good and it feels good to hear his voice and respond.
* i am missing gigi
* is boo singing right now?
* i bet she is glad to be a way from the puppies...
* dinner is starting to smell good...rigatoni and Italian sausage
* when will hunny bunny be home?
* will it snow tonight?
* why oh why do i volunteer for things??
* i am loving is like indulgent
* yummy...we received out girl scout cookies today...
* hmmmm...did Chris Brown really hit HER??? (i cannot get that out of my mind...
* i would break all hunny bunnies fingers if he ever did that...
* i love my hunny bunny...
* the sausage smells like it maybe burning....
* *sigh* time to go...

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