Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Today i want to accomplish a few things....

* mail the negatives of a family reunion to my Aunt
* mail some stuff I have been wanting to but have not...
* put the Halloween stuff away and get out the Thanksgiving stuff out...
* spot clean my family room
* pay FB (again...why they do not have online billing is a "what's really going on?" for me...), which means going to the mall (yucko)
* get by Penny's (sale + 15% off add up to savings....teeehehehehe)
* it's pay bill day (yucko!!!)
* do a few loads of laundry
* finish up my daughter's Godmothers book (wow!!! that will be awesome when i do this!!)

for the week....
* get the house decorated
* decide if I am having out "Are you ready for some Football" party
* clean out the car!!
* work on a few mini albums and some 12x12 pages (have not done this for a few weeks!!)
* buy some cards...mail them out

so...here is to a productive day and week....

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