Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wow...another year has passed...i remember a time when i loved birthdays and could not wait to grow one more year older (*sigh*). I remember when i wanted so much to be 18...independent, able to drink 3.2 beer, vote, be an "adult"! Then I wanted to be 21...why, i can't remember why but i wanted it soooo bad! 30? Not not really. 40...PLEASE!!!! I stopped counting around 27 and I think that is where the magic of birthdays stopped. It is kind of sad. I know it is a personal thing. I know it is all in my head...i know. I know. But the truth is I am not ready to celebrate these years (i am changing...i really am...i read MORE now!!! teeehehehehehe...). I admire those who do celebrate their years! I think they are incredible women...the embrace their age and the love it!!! *sighy* One of these days I want to be there...i only hope it is not when i am 80 (???). I think age is "taboo" to me. I feel like discussing age is admitting to being "old"...but the truth is what is "old"? I truely believe age is in the mind...but there are days when my body does not agree. *sigh* ANYWAY...
another year older and another year wiser (??). The truth is I do feel wiser and with 2 incredible daughters wisdom is a blessing! So I am thankful for the wisdom that comes with (gasp...i am going to say it...)...age!!!! (teeehehehehe...maybe there is hope for me!!)

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