Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Mr.King

Today is a holiday! It is a time for remembrance. I have to admit I was not old enough (and in some historical cases I was not even born!) to remember everything that occurred during the time Mr. King was leading the Civil Rights Movement. However last summer we were blessed (yes, I say blessed because there was a time when my husband and I would not have been able to go anywhere down South together, as a family, with our daughters…) to visit the place Mr. King was born and the neighborhood he grew up in. We sat in the pews where others sat and listened to him preach on Sunday mornings (I wonder if those people know just what they were listening to when they heard him?). We visited the place he was shot, the place he now rests in and his memorial. We were also able to visit some wonderful museums and all 4 of us learned some extraordinary things about those extraordinary people who followed Mr. King. I would love to think I would have been a follower. I would love to think I would have refused to sit in the back of a bus, stand up against hoses full of water, angry dogs and people and endure everything the King’s did for a dream. As I remember our family trip and all Mr. King did I am very grateful. As I look at the pictures of our trip I know I am blessed. So today I must stop and send up a thank you that on this day 78 years ago a wonderful human being was born! Happy Birthday Mr. King!!!

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