Thursday, January 25, 2007

i love learning!!

i have been in a leadership training course for the last two days and we finish tomorrow! i am always reminded when i go to any trainings how much i love to learn! i think knowledge is wonderful and so empowering! i wish i could spend more time learning and taking courses! however...time gets in the way. i do look forward to the days when i can get back into school full time and bask in all the knowledge that floats around campus!
i am excited to take the things i am learning this week and use them on my team and in my daily work interactions. i was so motivated that i stopped at Barnes on the way home to look at their books! i bought a few and can't wait to get started on reading them! there are a few things i will be working on right away and i will be spending some time this weekend "polishing" them up. i have even started thinking about something that i might want to present to my manager to help moral!
wow!! it's amazing what a little time away from work can do for someone (especially if they are with peers who are as excited and motivated as yourself!). I am really going to focus on keeping this attitude going forward!!! =0)

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