Sunday, January 6, 2008

random thoughts on a Sunday...

1/ when am i going to learn to keep my mouth shut??? why must i always be the one to make a comment...why of why don't they make lip glue???
2/ where did the first 5 days of January go? This is sick how fast 2008 is going! SICK!!!
3/ why do i have to go to training for 3 weeks? why?
4/ who is going to do the dishes? now me...i have one day off this week and i am not doing the dishes! NOT!!!!
5/ Did my cousin get her flowers for her birthday? she did not call and the week got away from me so i should follow up...
6/ is it proper to follow up on flowers? what if she did not get them? can you ask a flower shop for a refund????
7/ when is Chinese News Years?
8/ *sigh* Who is going to win today and why did the Bronco's have to blow it?
9/ my breakfast was yummy this morning...McDonalds (sausage bagel and coke!!)
10/ darn it!! i missed the last shows of America's Top Model...i wish i had had enough DVR space to record the shows they had on for 4 straight days!!! That show is addictive!!!!
11/ one day off...should i sleep or "OWN MY DAY" is going to be a looong week so maybe i need to own my sleepy dreams today!!
12/ Gigi needs a book so I need to make sure I get her to the store today.
13/ I am still feeling the "yuckies"...when will they end???
14/ I have to cut my hair.....

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