Friday, September 7, 2007

Inquiring Minds

This week's questions were created by Gillian, wannabe snoop and secret-monger.

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their purse? That depends...are we talking about a woman or a man??? teeehehehe. I think what is in the refrigerator reveals more about a person.

2. When you visit someones home, what are you most interested in looking at? The was they have decorated their home!!!!

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose? Ohhhh...this is good, kind of like do i choose to open Pandora's box???!!? hmmmm...if I were honest I would not want anyone "forced" to tell me the truth or reveal secrets. It would be my hope that everyone i truly care about is honest with me if not....well i guess i would rather not know (it's called trust).

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it? was 100% a pure accident! *red faced* i would rather not say...

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Yes, when i was younger. Of course it was top secret!!! I mean isn't that what diaries are for!!?!! I wrote about crushes and girls who were mean and ugly (in reality they were ok but the boys i liked liked them so to me they were ugly!!!) teeeeeehehehe...childhood!

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